1 - Sirius

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"I'M sorry Win but I don't love you. I only see you as a friend."

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Win cried in pain as Bright's voice reverberated inside of his head. Those words felt like a death sentence. He bit his lower lip and hit the steering wheel for several times hoping that the physical pain he was inflicting to himself will distract him from his heartbreak.

Tears welled uncontrollably from his eyes. He sobbed for so long that it caused him to throw up on the passenger seat. The anguish was too much for his poor heart. He didn't know how things turned out that way. He thought that he and Bright had a mutual understanding. After the kiss they shared a day before their last shooting in his room, Win thought that the guy felt the same way. It was Bright who fucking kissed him first for crying out loud! They had a drink that night but he was sure that both of them were sober when the act happened.

Win opened the car's window with a shaking hand since the enclosed space started to suffocate him (not to mention the disgusting stink from his vomit awhile ago). He closed his eyes as he felt the frigid wind that brushed against his face. He should know that this was bound to happen. Bright was straight and it was not a secret to Win that he's dating a girl but what about that kiss that they shared before? Bright must be at least physically attracted to him, right?

Win pulled his hair in frustration and started to regret what he did earlier. It was their show's farewell party and he was very depressed that night knowing that it might be the last time that they will see each other. He thought that Bright will return his feelings but what he received in return was a brutal rejection and a shattered heart.

He clenched his fists and looked up at the dark sky hoping to sight a wishing star that might give him his heart's desire. Unfortunately, the sky's empty saved for the dark clouds, a sign of an impending rainstorm. Win only sighed in defeat as the rain started to fall. He closed his eyes as he felt the trickle of the cool refreshing rainwater. It was a relief because it completely overwhelmed the warm tears that were flowing from his eyes nonstop.

He badly wanted to see the stars to ease the sorrow inside of his chest. The shinning heavenly bodies never failed to cheer him up. He learned to love them because of Bright. He reminisced the night when the guy told him the name of the stars and the legends behind the constellations. He remembered his favorite star which was Sirius, the brightest one in the night sky that reminded him so much of the guy. He walked around aimlessly looking up at the sky as he did so, squinting his eyes in desperation to find his star in the midst of the black sky.

Win only became aware of his surrounding when he heard the loud, purring sound of a car engine, a few feet away from him. The vehicle was running a little too fast but thankfully, he's still too far to avoid it. The driver might not be able to see the road clearly because of the heavy rain. He quickly ran on the safe side of the road but stopped momentarily when he saw a woman in black crossing the street that seeemed like oblivious to the incoming danger. She looked so carefree holding an umbrella and moving so slowly as if she was on the middle of a leisure walk.

He tried to scream to warn the woman but his voice was hoarse due to his nonstop crying earlier. Everything suddenly played in slow motion, he started to notice the small details like the walking stick that the woman's using and the terror that registered on her face as she limped on her way to the other side of the road. Win gasped in shock when he finally comprehended what's happening.

With all his might, he ran full speed and pushed the disabled woman away from arms of death that he on the other hand embraced gladly. It might be the heaven's way of sparing him from his suffering. He was lucky to be given the chance to at least saved someone before he passed away.

He gave the woman a reassuring smile that he tried to maintain even when he felt the extreme pain as the car's bumper collided against his back. He remembered vaguely being thrown up in the air then his body being slammed down on the wet ground caused by the gravity. Surprisingly, the pain was gone in an instant and was replaced by the cold numbness. He blinked his eyes and focused at the stars that suddenly appeared before him.

For the first time that night, Win smiled genuinely as he stared in amazement at the glittering star-shaped patterns on the woman's umbrella that might fell from her hand earlier. He stared at the artificial stars in awe as scenes from his past started to flash back...

He saw Bright leaning down next him, pointing out the stars and told them their names and history. The next one was the memory of the first and last kiss they shared off camera that made him hope of them being together. More flashbacks played in vivid colors but most of them were his happy memories especially when they were shooting the series and acted as Tine and Sarawat.

He began to understand why a lot of fans were hooked on the show. Sarawat and Tine's love for each other will make someone dreamed for a romance like the one that they had. Sarawat's affection, flirting, and care exclusively for Tine was so pure and beautiful. Win's heart felt like it will burst out from too much emotion. It was a funny thing to say but he can admit that felt so envious to his own fictional character. How he wished he was Tine. How he wished that someone like Sarawat loved him without preservation.

They used to say that when death finally claimed you, you will be swallowed by a total darkness but strangely enough what enveloped him was a blinding light as if Sirius pitied him and gave him a final embrace...



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