3.1 - Apastron

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A/N: Hi guys! It's me again. I'm sorry for the (super) late update 😭. I'm so caught up in watching/reading BL-related stuff. On the positive side, now that the series was finished, I have a clearer vision on how this story will progress. I will try to update as soon as possible.

I seriously had a serious case of goosebumps when I learned from this video that Bright loves astronomy just like my story. OMG!!!
Check it out here:

Thank you for waiting! I hope that it's worth it 🙂

*** SARAWAT ***

SARAWAT released a sigh of relief as he started to hear the soft snores coming from his beloved. He caressed those soft locks gently in rhythm to the melody of his lullaby. He began to voice out the lyrics this time, his voice shaking so bad as he did so. He didn't notice that he was sobbing until he tasted the salty taste of his own tears.

"I will always find a way to come back to you..."

"Thank you for not breaking your promise," he whispered lovingly as he recalled Tine's last words before the guy was sent to the hospital. Sarawat hastily wiped off his tears and laid down his boyfriend on the bed with uttermost care as if Tine was made of a fragile glass.

"Is he sleeping?" Type asked almost inaudibly.

Sarawat nodded without looking back. He was expecting Type to confront him one of these days. He made sure that Tine was warm and comfortable under the sheets before turning around to face their visitor. Type was standing there in the doorway staring at them with an unreadable expression. He had one of his eyebrows raised at him as if he was expecting him to say anything. Sarawat didn't react as usual.

"Let's talk outside," Type ordered before he walked away, not even bothering to check if he will follow him or not.

Sarawat hesitated but he knew that this conversation with Type was inevitable. He placed a kiss on the sleeping guy's forehead before leaning down to whisper softly on his ear. "Dream of me."


SARAWAT stood rigidly as he looked at Type with consideration. He wasn't sure what the older guy was thinking. He's been together with Tine for two years but his relationship with Type remained on a civil level. They tolerated each other because all for Tine's sake. Sarawat though was sure that Type still didn't accept him as his brother's lover. The situation became worse when Type broke up with Man because of a simple misunderstanding.

"I want you to break up with Tine," Type said, his tone firm that startled Sarawat.

"Why?" Sarawat asked in a cold voice.

"You know the reason why. You let this happen to him!" Type blurted out angrily. He grabbed Sarawat by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall. "Those retard fanatics of yours caused Tine a lot of trouble. We almost lost him this time!"

Sarawat grunted in pain as his back hit the concrete. He wanted to deny the accusation but he was kind of guilty in a way. Tine will not be in this predicament if not for his crazy fan who hit his lover by "accident". Some members of Sarawat's wives were hostile towards Tine but it never went beyond physical until the accident.

He clenched his fists in anger because he knew Type was right. Tine will never be safe if he will stick by his side but Sarawat was too selfish to let his boyfriend go. He will rather die than to lose Tine.

The memory of Tine dying in his arms was something that Sarawat will never forget. He was trembling while holding his boyfriend's bloodied and almost lifeless body. He remembered himself screaming Tine's name over and over until he heard his lover's words:

"I will always find a way to come back to you..."

Those words replenished his strength instantly. Without any second thoughts, he endured carrying Tine's body while fighting the frigid rainwater caused by the heavy storm that night. He was lucky to stumble upon an ambulance car. When the paramedics began to perform the first aid, he made sure not to let go of that clammy hand until he heard the set of numbers that he never desired to hear:

"Time of Death: 09:45 PM."

It seemed like time froze as those words finally sunk in. He wailed and embraced Tine's body, burying his face on the crook of his beloved's neck. There was no complaints coming from the younger man unlike before. Tine was particularly ticklish on his neck so he always reprimanded Sarawat whenever he's doing it. How he wished that he can hear those whines again. He already missed the guy that kept on calling him either "pervert" or "Saraleo". He closed his eyes and prayed for Buddha, God or whoever out there to bring his Tine back. He vowed that if he will be given the chance then he will cherish and protect his lover even it will cost him his life. He was willing to give up everything if fate would only allow him to have Tine again.

"S-saraleo. I can't breath..," Tine weakly uttered.

Sarawat wasn't sure if he was just imagining hearing his boyfriend's voice. He quickly separated himself from Tine and his heart almost bursted out from his chest when he saw the guy's smiling face.

He smiled back in return and mouthed "I love you" that made Tine's smile wider. Sarawat heard the paramedics talking about miracles but the only thing that mattered to him was the fact that his Tine returned back to him just like he promised.

Tine's unfortunate accident was an eye-opener for Sarawat. He realized how dark the world can be without the love of his life. Tine was more important than anything, more valuable than music itself. The guy was the definition of life and happiness for him.

Because without Tine, he's nothing.

*** TYPE ***

TYPE would like to punch the hell out of Sarawat because of what happened to Tine but he's also aware that the guy was blameless. Come to think of it, it's not Sarawat's fault that a deranged woman fell in love with him. Besides, Tine was stubborn and will not leave the bastard no matter what.

Regardless it was his responsibility to take care of his younger brother. One of his  duties was to remind his future brother-in-law that he must be more responsible in protecting and taking care of Tine. Separating them really was an empty threat but he liked to bully the stoic guitarist. He snorted when he hadn't receive any response from the guy (as usual) so he just decided to leave.


Type automatically stopped when he heard the word slipped out from Sarawat's mouth. The guy caught him off-guard because it was the first time Sarawat addressed him in that way. Let's just say that the guy was not known for respecting his seniors. "What did you just say?"

"P'Type please give me another chance. I will never let anyone or anything to harm Tine again even it will cost me my life," Sarawat declared with unwavering determination. As if it was enough, the guitarist bowed his head to show his respect towards him.

Type just stared in disbelief at Sarawat's unusual behavior. It was awkward but he will be lying if he denied that he wasn't touched with the gesture. He hesitantly reached out and tapped the guy's head gently, the same way he was doing it to Tine as a sign of affection. He hated to admit it but he was starting to like the guy for his brother.


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