2.2 - Pisces

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A/N: Sorry for the delayed upload of the second part 😢

WIN was certain that there was something wrong. He was aching all over as if every nerve of his body was set on fire but he seemed at ease. He opened his eyes and cursed weakly when harsh white lights registered in his line of vision. He was not surprised when he found out that he was in a hospital. He sighed in relief, muttering a silent prayer to God for giving him another chance to live. He's also grateful that he was not severely injured. He looked around the room and gasped in surprise when he realized that Bright was there with him.

The guy was asleep, holding his right hand firmly as if Bright didn't turn him down earlier. He blushed in shame because even after the rejection, he was still in love with the guy. Bright's hand was so warm to the touch and he didn't want to let go but he didn't want the guy to think that he was taking advantage of him so he gently tried to free his hand. Much to his surprise, Bright unconsciously held his hand tighter so after trying several times, he decided to give up. With nothing else to do, he just looked at the guy to pass time.

He was wondering on why Bright was the one whose with him. He would like to wake up his co-star who weirdly wore his football uniform that he used in the series for his role as Sarawat. Win snorted in disappointment when he assumed what was happening. It seemed like the guy was doing it for the promotion of the show. He knew that Bright was not into fanservice but it was only the reason that he can think of on why the guy will visit him wearing that shirt.

Whatever the reason why Bright was there, Win decided to make the most out of it. It was rare to have Bright by himself and though he was hurting from the rejection, he can't waste the opportunity to gaze admiringly at the love of his life. He warily reached out and caressed the guy's perfectly smooth skin. Even asleep, Bright can still manage to look good. A smile formed on Win's lips as he stared at the amazing guy that was so close to touch but still too far for him to reach...

"Why are you crying?" the barely awoke guy asked in concern as he gently wiped the tears from Win's eyes. "Are you hurt? Please tell me."

Win shook his head, closing his eyes in shame. Bright caught him red-handed! He was touching him without permission. Will Bright despise him?

"Look at me please," Bright pleaded and grasped Win's face so they can face each other. "Just tell me what's going on. Would you like me to call the doctor?"

"N-no..," Win uttered softly. "I'm sorry---"

"You better be. You always make me worried. Don't do that again. Can you promise me that you will be more careful from now on?"

Win just nodded and almost had a heart attack when Bright smiled dazzlingly at him. As if it was not enough, he was pulled into a kiss. It's not just the simple kiss that they shared on the past but a full-blown one. He had his eyes opened in shock as his co-actor's lips hungrily consumed his own while that tongue entwined teasingly with his, expertly exploring every reachable part of the insides of his mouth. When the kiss ended, he just looked at Bright with a dumbfounded expression.

"Tine, are you alright? What's the problem with my wife?" Bright asked innocently as if he didn't take Win's breath away a few seconds ago and stuck his tongue down his throat.

"T-tine? W-wife?" Win asked in confusion. What exactly was happening? Several questions that didn't make any sense started to form in his head.

'What's wrong with Bright? Why did he kiss me? Why did he call me Tine and his wife? Why is he wearing that jersey? Why is he acting like...'

"Sarawat!!! How's Tine?" a loud voice suddenly asked from the doorway.

Win looked dubiously at "Bright" then at "their friends" who brought a basket of fruits, some bag of snacks, and a bouquet of flower. Almost all of the supporting casts were there: Khaotung (Fong), Pluem (Phuak), JJ (Ohm), Gun (Boss), and Mike (Man). Like Bright, the others acted like they were the characters that they were portraying in the series.

Win was starting to be anxious. He was very suspicious on why they were acting that way. It got worse when everyone started to crowd him and asked him how he was. He was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. Lucky for him, Bright came to the rescue.

"Stop bothering my wife. He just regained consciousness. Leave him alone," Bright stated sternly.

Gun and Mike just laughed at Bright's overprotectiveness but nevertheless they stopped pestering Win. The other three guys in the room sent concern looks on Win but they followed Bright's instruction and just talked to each other.

Win then started to observe everyone secretly, searching for any slipups but they all acted their assigned roles naturally and without a trace of any pretense. The whole interaction seemed so normal. He looked around and tried to look for a hidden camera thinking that it might be an elaborated prank but he found none.

He assumed then that everything was just a dream of some sort because why would Bright will kiss him on that way? The guy kissed him before but the one that they had earlier was on a completely different level (since it involved saliva exchange much to Win's embarrassment).

Win's deep contemplation was interrupted when the door suddenly opened. Standing there on the doorway was Toptap (Type), radiating a menacing aura and glaring at everyone as if he was there to kill someone (or everyone for that matter). Win was finally convinced that he was dreaming. There's no way that the real-life Toptap will agree on doing this. The guy was too serious and mature to even entertain the idea of pranking him.

[A/N: This is where I'm going to change the way how Win will address the others because this is where he was fully convinced that he was only dreaming and now view the others as 2gether's characters]

"All of you, get out! Only family members are allowed here," Type reprimanded.


"Especially you! I don't even know who you are. You're the biggest nuisance in this room. My brother needs time to recover and that will only happen if you guys will leave him alone," Type added quickly, interrupting whatever Man was trying to say.

Everyone started to leave in a hurry except for Sarawat who even dared to sit on the bed next to Win. "Sorry for that. I will kick their asses later for disturbing us," Sarawat whispered sexily on Win's ear.

Win's face blushed in full force especially when Sarawat put his arm on his shoulder and pulled him even closer. "S-stop fooling around," Win whispered back, stuttering a little due to mortification.

Sarawat chuckled and mumbled "cute" then kissed Win softly on his temple that caused his heart to beat like crazy.

"Why are you still here?" Type finally asked Sarawat in annoyance.

"I'm his husband so technically I'm a family," Sarawat quipped with his trademark smirk that nevertheless made Win's face more reddish than what was possible.


Whatever Type was trying to say was cut off when he was suddenly lifted off from the ground and was put on Man's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down Man!" Type complained angrily, struggling to be free but Man had his arm around the guy's waist securely.

"Sorry guys I forgot to take my wife with me and did I just heard you calling me by my name?" Man teased his rebellious love interest who just groaned in irritation. "How sweet!"

Man laughed like a villain as he left the room, uncaring about Type's protests. He glanced back at Sarawat and Win though before he left. "Keep your filthy hands to yourself Wat. My brother-in-law still needs some time to recover. Wife's order."

Sarawat just smirked as a reply and pulled Win even closer to him. They sat there silently, Win's head leaned against Sarawat's firm chest stiffly. It was weird but the guy's erratic heartbeat made Win calm and warm at the same time. Win was completely confused on what's happening so he decided to stop thinking about it and simply enjoyed the moment. He smiled in a complete bliss then closed his eyes as Sarawat started to caress his head and hummed the SCRUBB's song "Everything".

Win tried to resist the urge to fall asleep, wanting nothing but to stay in that beautiful dream forever. Unfortunately, he failed and unlike the last time when a warm light claimed him. This time though, frosty darkness consumed his whole being...



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