5 - Antimatter

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Hi guys!

I'm feeling a little inspired lately so we got a new update 😊🎉. It's all thanks to your kudos/votes and your wonderful comments so please keep 'em from coming 😘

By the way, on the previous chapter I changed the name of Win's dog to Charlotte same as the one that he has in real life.

To be honest I'm starting to develop multipersonality personality because of this fic. I'm seriously torn what side I'm on. Here's what's happening inside of my head:

TeamBright: You obviously have a favorite. Sarawat already kissed Win twice and it involved tongues!!! I DEMAND BRIGHTWIN SEXY TIMES!!! You're so biased!
TeamSarawat: 😏
Me: Bright is straight all his life. He's still trying to figure out what he really feels for Win. Meanwhile, Sarawat has always been certain what he felt for Tine and they were together for two years. He also thought that Win is Tine so...
TeamBright: Petition for BrightWin scenes!!!
Me: HELP!!!

Me: Things started to be steamy from here. Nothing too graphic this time though 😘. It can't be helped since we're dealing with Sarawat 😅

TeamBright: 😠😠😠

*** WIN ***

WIN groaned as his head throbbed in agonizing pain. He buried his face at the comfortably warm pillow, sighing in relief as the ache slowly faded. It turned out that he didn't fall asleep just like what he first thought because he was no longer in the hospital. He was certain because of the absence of the offending smell of antiseptic. It was replaced by the scent of the fresh odor of musk and spice with a hint of coffee that he found somewhat addicting. He would surely asked her Mom later about their new detergent because he loved it.

"Pretending to sleep again?" a husky and sleepy voice asked with a hint of humor.

Win froze and lifted his head, meeting Sarawat's eyes that were still dazed with sleep. He panicked as he realized that he was actually on the top of Sarawat's shirtless form. He tried to get up but the guitarist pinned him down by encircling his arm around his waist.

"Where are you going? I want to sleep more," Sarawat drawled lazily. "We don't have any classes today."

"Why am I here?" Win asked as he subtly squirmed to free himself from the human prison.

"You fell asleep in our car so I carried you up here," Sarawat explained. "And can you stop moving around? You're making me hard."

Win looked scandalized in Sarawat's daring and vulgar speech. Was the guy for real? His question was answered immediately when he felt the rigid thing against his own crotch. Sarawat, he realized belatedly was not just shirtless, he's fucking naked under the sheets! "SHIA!!!"

Win scrambled out of Sarawat's embrace and distanced himself from the unbelievably shameless man who just chuckled at his reaction. What was happening before him was so familiar because it reminded him so much of the "Sarawat Expo" moment. It was more embarrassing though because Bright before was at least wearing an underwear.

"Why are you naked?"

"I usually sleep naked while I'm sleeping. I just stopped doing it when we started to live together. You gave me the permission to sleep naked again after our second anniversary but of course you know all about that, right?"

Win just nodded in response. It was the first time that he heard Sarawat talked that long. It felt like the guy was suspicious of him. He glanced at him warily but the guitarist's blank expression was hard to decipher. He looked away when the guy caught him staring.

"Tine..," Sarawat murmured. "Come here. Sit next to me. "

Win glanced at Sarawat who was still bare saved for the wrinkled duvet that covered his lower half. He looked so mesmerizing there with the soft sunlight gracing his ethereal features. The guitarist leaned against the bedboard, tapping impatiently the spot next to him where he wanted Win.

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