9 - Equinox

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First, let me apologize for not updating for more than two months. Things were harder since my ADHD was getting out of hand these days. I have my meds but life is a bitch so it's really tough.

This update might be less spectacular than the rest of the chapters but please bear with it cause it will be necessary for the storyline. I'll try to update sooner (readers be like: yeah right 🙄🙄🙄)

This chapter is dedicated for those who didn't give up on this story.

Now we're officially on our 9K+ mark reads with a total of 700+ votes.

It's all thanks to your kudos/votes and your wonderful comments so please keep 'em from coming because it serves my inspiration to update 💙💙💙

My thoughts abound the last chapter:
Seriously I felt bad for Nevvy. Not just in real life but also on how she's being portrayed in fanfiction. I know it's the other writers' digression on how they will present her character but it can be too much sometimes. I just finished watching ITSAY and I seriously got goosebumps in seeing my Nevvy on Tarn. You should see the show guys.

*** BRIGHT ***

BRIGHT knew that he was being irrational but he couldn't stop the sudden urge that he was feeling to punch Joss Wayar on the face. The guy did nothing wrong but he couldn't help it. Win for a reason unknown to him kept on stealing glances at the taller man. You see, he was used to be the center of Win's attention and now his co-actor was doing everything just to avoid him.

It started during their photoshoot for Still 2gether, Win always made sure that Bright wouldn't have the opportunity to get him alone. It was frustrating because he was helpless and he thought the meeting for their upcoming Mistine commercial that featured new Idolo products would be his chance but boy he was wrong. Not only that Win was purposely disregarding him, he was also busy eyeing another guy and it was making Bright crazy. The feeling was foreign to him because he was not that possessive with Nevvy. He also thought that he was not the jealous type of lover until Win happened.

He fumbled on his phone to distract himself from his stupid thoughts when he received a message in Line from his manager. Manager Red was telling him to stop being disrespectful and focused on the meeting. He looked back slowly at his manager who gave him a glare that left him no choice but to follow what he was told. He tried really hard but it was difficult because Win could get his attention without even trying. That's when he realized that Win was frowning as he glanced at Joss as if he was trying to figure out a mystery that involved the guy.

When the meeting ended, they exchanged words with the president of Mistine himself Danai Derojanawong. Manager Red informed him that he and the other managers would have an extended meeting with the President to talk more about the endorsement.

"You're free to go and please stay out of trouble," Manager Red reminded in exasperation.

Bright grimly nodded and looked around to search for Win. The younger man was on his way to the parking lot, his pace fast as if he was running away from someone... from him specifically but Bright couldn't just let him. He ran and quickly caught up with Win, the surprise look on the younger's face was priceless especially when he grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside of the restroom. He ignored his co-actor's protests. No more hiding. It was time for them to talk.

*** WIN ***

"WHAT'S wrong with you?!" Win blurted out in anger as he finally freed his wrist from Bright's grip.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Bright apologized in a soft voice. The guy's eyes were on his wrist that Win didn't notice that he was touching unconsciously.

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