3.2 - Apastron

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A/N: To be honest, I don't know why I love to hurt myself so much...

*** WIN ***

WIN was certain that again, something was wrong.  He was aching all over as if every nerve of his body was set on fire but unlike before, he felt so uneasy. Not because of the pain but rather with the predicament that he was in. He found himself in a hospital room with Bright (or Sarawat) sleeping beside him just like what happened on his dream before. The fact that the guy was wearing the same football jersey made the situation more confusing for Win.

He wanted to leave the room but Bright was holding his right hand. He tried to free it but the guitarist's grip was stubbornly tight. He gave up eventually and tried to analyze whether he was still dreaming or if he was already awoke but experiencing a déjà vu of some sort. To make sure he's awake, he pinched his arm so hard that he cried out in pain.

Win unconsciously squeezed Bright's hand hard that it awoke the guy with a jolt. He trembled in fear when he met the deathly glare that Bright thrown in his direction. It quickly shifted to an expression of awe then of unwavering glee upon probably realizing that Win gained consciousness, .

"You're awake. I can't believe it!"

Win just looked at the guy whose face was full of warmth and looked like he will cry in pure happiness. There was no mistake, the guy was Sarawat. Win smiled back at him as if telling he was alright.

Sarawat held his face then leaned his face closer. Win panicked when he remembered the warm and tingling sensation when the guy kissed him earlier. He swiftly covered those pursing bow-shaped lips with his hand and pushed his head away. Win was sure that the guy was weirded out by his action so he closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"What was that for Win?"

Win's eyes opened immediately, surprised by the guy's question. "B-bright?"

Bright nodded then just like that, the mood in the room suddenly shifted to a gloomier state. Win didn't know what to say to be honest. He was sure that it was Sarawat until the guy called him by his name. He glimpsed at Bright whose looking down at the floor, his face set in a frown (probably in anger when he pushed his head away earlier).

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to," Win uttered weakly. Both of his eyes were brimming with tears. He was panicking inside because he was not ready to face Bright after his tragical rejection.

Bright cleared his throat in attempt to end the silence in the room. "No Win. I should be the one to apologize. "

Win closed his eyes in grief. He didn't know why the guy was apologizing. Was that for breaking his heart?

He choked a sob and tried his best to stop himself but tears started to fall down from his eyes like a broken floodgates. He didn't want to look pathetic in front of Bright but he can't help it. It was as if the reality of situation finally sunk in. He was no longer dreaming and he was not Tine that was being loved by Sarawat. In this world, he was alone and unloved.

*** BRIGHT ***

BRIGHT was flabbergasted. He was stupid not to realize the effect of his presence to Win. For crying out loud, he was the one that shattered the poor guy's heart. He was the reason why his co-star intoxicated himself with alcohol. If not for him, Win will not be hit by a car on that isolated road.

On his defense, he stopped thinking clearly when he heard what happened to Win. Everything seemed hazy and he can't recall exactly what he did to reach the hospital. It was as if his mind blurred everything and only focused him to think of no one but his co-star. He didn't leave and waited outside of the emergency room, asking aroud frantically about Win's condition and what's happening on the emergency room. He remembered hearing his Mom asking for him to rest or at least to change his shirt (the same jersey that he wore on the live) earlier but he adamantly stayed. Friends, workmates, and fans came to show support but he kept his nervous stare at the door of the emergency room, paying no attention to anyone as if he can't hear them.

The only time that he let his mask of indifference slipped off from his face was when the doctor told him that Win was safe and in a stable condition. Even with that reassurance, he decided to stay at the waiting area until a hospital personnel (probably out of pity) let him inside of Win's room. Now that he was sure that his co-star's life was out of danger, he can now think rationally. It was a stupid idea for him to stay there. He's the last the person that Win wanted to see right now...

He wanted to reach out to Win so bad to offer comfort but how can he do that if he's the cause of the guy's sorrow? He stared longingly at Win who was now trembling because of crying too much. He didn't want to see him that way but he's still conflicted. He didn't want to give Win false hopes and he still needed some time to sort his messed up feelings. He sighed sadly then did the right thing at that moment, he motioned to leave.

Before he exited, he looked back and met Win's downcast eyes. Bright bit his lower lip because something broke inside him upon seeing that expression. "I-I need some time to think about this. Be strong please."

Win didn't reply and turned his back at him. Bright choked a sob then hastily left. He didn't know where to go so he just climbed the stairs until he reached the rooftop. He looked up the starry sky and screamed aloud without a care if someone will hear him. He finally let the tears to fall down from his eyes. He punched the wall repeatedly to vent out his frustration hoping that it will also dull out his suffering heart...

"You know Bright, your hands are really talented. You should take care of it."

Bright stopped immediately when he recalled his girlfriend's words. He looked shamefully at his bloodied fists. Guilt wracked his whole being when he remembered Nevvy's beautiful face. Only then realized that he never thought of her when he heard what happened to Win.

Why was he thinking of the possibility of being with Win if he's certain that he was in love with Nevvy? How can he afford to hurt the woman that never left his side?

How can he make Win happy if he's not sure of his feelings for him? How can he avoid hurting Nevvy? How can he make the right choice for his confused heart?


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