Epilogue - Meteor

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So a friend told me that Epilogues should be short but this is my work so I guess I'll dictate the rules. 😎

If you're contented with the ending (chapter prior to this), please don't proceed. I let you decide.

Warning! Fluff ahead (I'm getting allergies. I'm not used to this 555)

Long wait is over. Are you ready?

*** WIN ***

WIN knew that something was not right. He should be gone forever. He gave up his life when he chose Tine because he knew it was the right thing to do.

If that's the case, why could he feel the unforgiving rush of rainwater as it hit against his body? He tried to figure out where he was when he heard the familiar loud, purring sound of a car engine. He turned his head at the source and there, a few feet away from him was a car. It was running a little too fast but he was still on a safe distance.

He gasped as he realized what was happening. It was the night when he got hit by a car. There were a lot of questions running on his mind but the first thing that he prioritized was to look for that blind woman.

When he found her, he quickly ran to save her and pushed her to the safe side of the road. Others might think of him as stupid but he would always choose to be kind no matter what's the price of it. He was expecting for the pain to come as the car's bumper collided against his back but instead he felt a hard push on his side. Luckily, he landed on the pile of mud so he didn't acquire a serious injury.

What he was wondering about was who or what saved from the impending danger. He looked back and found himself screaming as he realized that it was Bright. Time slowed down but Win found himself unable to move as if he was frozen. Bright gave him a reassuring smile as the car got a little more closer to hit him. It was too late for Win to do anything.

Win closed his eyes and buried his face on his hands as he cried in agony. He wanted to live but not on the expense of Bright's life. He desperately prayed that what happened earlier wasn't real.

"Why are you crying Win?" a familiar, feminine voice asked.

Win slowly looked up and with his blurring vision, he saw the gentle face of the blind woman that he saved twice. He couldn't fathom how she quickly got up and stood there before him. That wasn't the oddest thing though because he realized Bright was still standing behind her. The guy was standing there, frozen as if he was a statue. Thankfully, the car stopped a few inches away from Bright. Win was a little relieved that the guy was saved. For him, that's the only thing that mattered.

He shifted his gaze at the surrounding, realizing that time seemed completely stopped. The raindrops were suspended on the air and there was not even a single sound that he could hear.

"W-what's happening?" Win asked in a shaky voice.

The woman just chuckled and removed her dark glasses, shocking the hell out of Win. Shock not because she was not really blind but because of who she really was."J-Jetti?! How can this be possible?"

"I thought with all the things that happened, there's nothing that could no longer faze you."

Win swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. At some point, he also thought that she had something to do with the strange thing that's happening but since Bright wasn't able to find her, Win just disregarded that idea.

"Jetti, I know I'm not in the right place to ask but please... don't let Bright die in my place. I-I'm still clueless with what exactly is happening but don't let anyone suffer because of me. I-I..," Win was overwhelmed with agonizing pain and there was nothing that he could do.

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