6 - Facula

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Hi! For starters, I just want to let you know how grateful I am since the story already reached 2K reads with 200+ votes. It might not be a big deal for others but for me, that means a lot. Thank you for your support.

So with the update comes a new cover. I'm so embarrassed with my editing skills 555555 but that's actually how I wanted the cover to look like.

This update is also a part of the first anniversary of Bright and Win being Sarawat and Tine this August 5th!!! I can't believe that it's already a year! I'm so happy 💗💗💗

Sorry for the long wait (again) cause seriously I'm doing a lot of research when I'm writing. I watch their interviews to know things about them to make sure that most of the details in this fic will be accurate. The main reason is because I want to make this story as real as possible.

Inside of my head Pt. 2
Me: So most of our lovely readers are shipping SaraWin.
TeamSarawat: 😎
TeamBright: Because you're not giving Bright a chance!
Me: I'll try harder 😅

*** WIN ***

"WIN, have you heard anything from Bright yet?" Manager Red Cheveejong asked for the second time that day. Bright's manager was obviously stressed out and frustrated for not knowing the whereabouts of his co-actor.

Win shook his head sadly at the the older man. "I'm sorry Manager Red but Bright was not answering my calls."

"I wonder what that brat was up to these days. Thank you Win and sorry for bothering you about this."

Win just nodded and gave the guy a reassuring smile. He finally sighed when he was left alone. He was seriously tired of answering everyone's inquiry about where his co-actor was as if he's Bright's keeper or something. Besides, he hadn't heard anything from the guy since the hospital incident. He tried calling him out of pity for Manager Red but Bright didn't answer any of his calls.

Manager Red told him that Bright was acting weird these days. Win wanted to tell the manager being weird was the guitarist's normal behavior but of course he didn't tell him that. To be honest, Bright never failed to frustrate him with his extreme mood swings. Like one moment he would pull him in then before he knew it, he was pushing him away. It was as if the guy was toying him or something. In irritation, he motioned to pull at his hair when a hand quickly stopped him.

"The hairstylist took time to make sure you looked good. Don't waste her effort Win by messing it up," Toptap reprimanded gently.

Win blushed in shame. He looked at Toptap who was looking at him with an unreadable expression, Mike was with him grinning like a lunatic while tapping at his phone. He glanced at the set and saw Drake and Frank posing together for the pictorial.

They were there for the first official pictorial of Still 2gether. He was already finished with his solo shots and were just waiting for Bright to arrive for their couple shots then finally the group pics with the others. Almost everyone was ecstatic about the photoshoot except for him maybe. He knew it was so selfish of him but he wished that Bright would not come because he was still not ready to face him.

"Damn Win! Even with heavy make-up, the dark circles around your eyes are still visible. Now, you're no longer a bunny but a cute panda," Mike teased while wagging his thick eyebrows at him.

Win just glared at him but Mike just chuckled at his reaction. "Shut up Mike."

"It's true. Ask Toptap for that matter."

Win shifted his attention to Toptap who just shrugged his shoulders in response. He sighed and looked at the mirror next to him to check his reflection and confirmed what Mike was talking about. He sighed and kept in mind to ask the make-up artist's help later. He grabbed his coffee and sipped a mouthful because he's starting to be sleepy again. It couldn't be helped since he's awake for more than twenty fours hours.

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