8 - Umbra

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As promised, I'll post another chapter after two weeks. Yay!!!

Now we're officially on our 5K+ mark reads with a total of 400+ votes.

It's all thanks to your kudos/votes and your wonderful comments so please keep 'em from coming because it serves my inspiration to update 💙💙💙

Guys, I don't know if you notice but a lot of events that were depicted on this story actually happened in real life. Only hardcore fans of BrightWin will surely recognize them 😂.

By the way, there's a lot of confusion from the other readers about the last chapter, I would like to apologize for that. There's a lot of instances that some parts were hard to comprehend. Misuse of words is really one of my struggles because English is not my first language so please point out those parts on the comment section so I can explain it better 😉. If I didn't respond, it only means that it was written that way for the sake of the plot. Again don't hesitate to ask, I love replying to your comments and messages 💙💙💙.

Inside of my head Pt. 5
Me: So what about more angst to spice up the story?
Win: Bitch, am I joke to you?
Me: 🤔

Why do I have the feeling that my readers will hate me after reading this chapter? 555
Just keep in mind that every detail of the story is necessary for the development of the plot and characters. With that being said, I hope you will have a good time 😅 reading this chapter. Enjoy 💙💙💙

*** BRIGHT ***

WHEN Bright touched his chest where his heart was located, all of his doubts and confusion vanished as he gazed at Nevvy. He smiled gently as peace settled inside of him. No more second guessing, this time his heart was certain.

It was kind of odd that everything around him was still the same. The ambiance, the furnitures, and ornaments remained unchanged through the years. As he sat across where his girlfriend was and stared at her perfect familiar features, he realized how much he changed... on how his feelings for Win changed him.

Nevvy was still special for him, don't get him wrong. She's his first girlfriend after all and she would always have an important place in his heart but Win was now the reason of his existence. The world seemed washed out of colors when the younger man was not around. Win made him happy, contented, sad, angry, jealous, loved, and above everything, he made him feel alive.

He knew that he was being unfair to be his soon to be ex-girlfriend but all he could think about that moment was Win. No matter how hard he tried, he kept on thinking of him especially with what happened the last time that they met. It was a total disaster. He knew he was a jerk for kissing Win without permission but since that day, his desire to be with him intensified. He still got a lot of questions especially on how the younger man managed to go to a different world but that matter could wait.

Tonight would be his first big step to show Win that he was sincere with his intention and ready to fight for him. It was the reason why he asked to meet up with Nevvy on the first place. He was there to end his romantic relationship with her. What he didn't expect though was how hard it was. Although he was certain that he loved Win, he didn't want to hurt the first person who taught him how to love and be loved. She's not just his girlfriend, he's also his best friend.

"Spill," Nevvy ordered with a mixed of annoyance and concern in her tone. She stared hard at Bright as if she's trying to decode what's on his mind.

"What do you mean?" Bright asked instead.

"You're obviously occupied," Nevvy concluded. "I know you since high school. I'm your best friend even before I become your girlfriend. You eating your veggies is a clear indication that something bothers you."

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