11 - Supernova

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Long time, no see 😅. I know that I promised that I'll update more often but on my defense, I planned to update a few days back BUT it seemed a little meh to me so I decided to add more juicy details to it. Yesterday, I'm planning to post it but Ao3 and Wattpad apps didn't allow me for some reason.

So before you delve into angst, here's a little treat for you guys. This art reminds me so much of this story. Just imagine that Tine here is Win 😂😂😂

By the way, this is Petite_Moi's masterpiece

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By the way, this is Petite_Moi's masterpiece. Check this and the rest of his/her amazing works on Twitter (@petite_m0i)

Belated happy birthday to Nuisance (@hoe4winmetawin), one of my friends on Twitter. This update is dedicated to you dear 😘

Now we're officially on our 12K+ mark reads with a total of 900+ votes.

It's all thanks to your kudos/votes and your wonderful comments so please keep 'em from coming because it serves my inspiration to update 💙💙💙

Fasten up your belts, this will be a tough ride 😏

*** WIN ***

WIN thought he knew what exhaustion was. Juggling his work as a celebrity, studying, and working as a trainee on their family company under his father's supervision left him dead-tired especially if there's an overlap on his schedule. Bright and Sarawat easily proved how wrong he was. The two seemed determined to take advantage of all given opportunities to ask him out. It was as if they were competing against each other. Or maybe they were.

During their free time, Bright made sure to make time for their dates in spite of their hectic schedules. Their activities included football or anything sports related; sleepovers where they play video games (with Mick to make sure that they would not do anything inappropriate much to Win's embarrassment because his father said that casually while they were having dinner); and eating on street food stalls that he liked so much. Sarawat on the other hand, focused on road and beach trips. There were times when he wanted to say no but the pouty looks of the two were something that he couldn't resist. The two were probably wearing him out but he guiltily liked the attention he was getting.

Our time together was cut short. See you soon. Take care of yourself.
- S

He smiled when he saw the message on his arm. At first, it irritated him that Bright and Sarawat were using him as a human whiteboard but he got used to it eventually. It was kind of sweet and funny to read their personal messages. He used a wet towel to gently removed the writing.

He checked his phone as he got up from the bed but he couldn't help himself but to smile when he realized that he didn't have work that day. He was giddy not because of the promise of rest but because Bright would come over to play some video games. He quickly finished his morning rituals and went downstairs to grab some breakfast.

The Right You <BrightWin Vs SaraWin>Where stories live. Discover now