2.1 - Pisces

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A/N: I'm lucky to have the back up copy of this chapter 😅

Flashbacks are italicized.

BRIGHT sighed for the nth time that night. He kept on staring at the dark ceiling as if it will show him the answer that he was looking for. He was exhausted but he didn't know why he can't simply fall asleep. He felt so tense and unsettled that was not so him. He was always cool and in control with his emotions but due to some certain circumstances earlier, he found himself restless.

Who was he kidding anyway? He was aware of the reason why he was acting that way. He was just in denial. This was all because of "him".

He closed his eyes in irritation, his head was throbbing in intense pain, an indication that he drank too much alcohol than he can handle. He wanted nothing but to call it a night but he still had a schedule to do a live on Instagram later at 12 midnight with Win. It will serve as their farewell gift to the loyal fans of the show. He hated doing it because he was not in the mood. The thought of pretending that he was feeling fine and happy in front of his believers and haters was the last thing that he wanted to do.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his fans so much but sometimes they can be overwhelming and too demanding. He was naturally a reserved person so the pressure to share his private life was a big challenge to him so when his followers started to pry deeper with their (sometimes too insensitive) questions, it never failed to make him uncomfortable. He understood that his fans just wanted to know him better but sometimes it was just too much to bear.

Another dilemma was his haters who never stopped judging him and can only see the bad things about him. He might be confident on the outside but deep inside he was so insecure. Those words of hate never failed to hurt him. He was scared to fail those who adored him and gave his critics more reasons to despise him. How he wished that everyone will realize that he's just a human being capable of making mistakes and he's not always okay.

Bright was not motivated enough but unfortunately he didn't have a choice. He was lucky though that his partner-in-crime will be with him tonight. Things were more effortless and lighter when he had Win on his side. It seemed so easy and natural to be himself when they were together but he ended up hurting him.

Bright gritted his teeth in anger. He hated himself for what he had done earlier at their farewell party. He rejected Win when he confessed because he was in a long time relationship with his girlfriend Nevvy and he just considered his co-actor as a friend.

"Why did you kiss me then?" Win asked, his tone accusatory.

Bright found himself speechless because he was also trying to figure out why he did it on the first place. Win invited him for a sleepover and he agreed as usual. They were just talking about their future plans and next projects when his co-actor brought up his next BL series. Of course Bright was caught off guard because he never thought that Win will star immediately to a new project with a new partner. When the guy told him that he will be paired with Luke, Bright didn't know what urge him to kiss Win. He kissed him gently that Win reciprocated with the same intensity. They didn't talk about it until they fell sleep in each other's arms. He was confused when he woke up the next day so left without a word.

Bright swallowed the lump in this throat and looked away, avoiding to meet Win's eyes at all cost. "It's just a kiss. No big deal."

He wanted to take it back instantly when he watched the agony that registered on the guy's face. Tears fell down on Win's cheeks and his whole body started to tremble. "I-I see. I need to go."

"Win I---"

"I will be joining you on our live later. Don't worry," Win quickly cut him off.

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