4 - Parallax

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Hi guys. I'm sorry for the late update. I been having a lot of good ideas for my next stories so this work was abandoned for a while. Anyhow, I hope you will love this update as much as I do.

By the way, I decided to change the name of Bright's girlfriend to Nevvy (the name of his actual girlfriend according to my research) so the story will be a little more realistic. I changed her name on the previous chapters as well to avoid confusion.

Will it be too much if I ask for votes/kudos or better yet comments/feedbacks about the story? They're actually my motivation to keep me going and I would love to hear from you of course. Thanks 🌠

*** WIN ***

WIN this time around was 100% positive that something was wrong with him. Though it kept on happening for short periods of time, he always found himself stuck in a dream where he was Tine from 2gether. At first he thought it was just because of the accident but his doctor reassured him that he was free of any head injuries. It wasn't the effects of the drugs that was given to him either because the same dreams continued even after he stopped taking them when he was discharged from the hospital. Unable to get a clear explanation, he decided to let it go. He probably was thinking about their show so it kept on manifesting in his dreams. Once he was busy with his new show with Luke, he would probably stop dreaming of 2gether.

That was exactly what Win was thinking before he fell asleep and found himself in the same dream. Same as before, it started where he was lying down on the hospital bed. Sometimes he was alone but most of the time Sarawat was there. Currently, the musician wore his school uniform while fumbling on his phone. The guy was frowning probably because he was having a hard time typing. Win tried to suppress his smile at Sarawat's silliness. He remembered how the musician kept on misspelling words because his fingers were too big for the screen.

As if sensing that someone was observing him, Sarawat turned his head to look at him. Luckily, Win closed his eyes in time to make it looked like that he was sleeping the entire time. He held his breath in anticipation feeling the intense stare that was directed at him. After the epic kiss on his first dream, he pretended to be asleep whenever Sarawat was around. He knew that it was irrational but he became self-conscious whenever the handsome guy was around.

It was not really the fear of what Sarawat could do to him but it was more of the romantic feelings that came naturally when he's with him. Sarawat was very affectionate and he never failed to show him that he cared. The guy always gave him gentle kisses on his forehead or cheek once he arrived or if he was leaving, sang him SCRUBB songs and lullabies with his guitar, and told him how much he missed him. Those sweet gestures were confusing Win. It scared him because Bright just broke his heart and now he was starting to fall for a guy that he was only seeing in his dreams. He was doomed for an another heartbreak if that's the case so he pretended to be asleep to protect himself. Unfortunately, it was not easy for him.

Win was tired of lying down and doing nothing. He loved to be active and the fact that he was hospitalized and became idle in the real world made him more agitated. He wanted to play football or any sports for that matter but his mother prohibited her. She was kind-hearted but she could be fierce too especially in protecting her children.

He wanted to scream in frustration because the whole situation was crazy and pretty ironic. Like ever heard of someone pretending to be asleep while they were sleeping?

"That's it. I had enough!" Sarawat exclaimed, his tone clearly annoyed.

Win almost flinched when Sarawat spoke out of the blue specially in a loud voice that was so out of character. Based from the musician's character in the series/novel, he was usually collected. Was the guy talking about something on his phone or was he trying to catch him off-guard and test if he's really sleeping?

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