12 - Sunset

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Hello there! I can't imagine that I manage to update this early (at least early in my own standards). Crazy, right? 555

I didn't plan on finishing this chapter today but it's Baby Bunny's birthday so I forced myself to do it. I hope it won't feel rush or something. Please don't forget to wish Win a happy birthday today.

My thoughts about the last chapter:
I love all the positive feedbacks that the last chapter received. To be honest, I'm surprised myself while writing that part. I was like: Myth, what the f*ck are you thinking? 555

There's a scene here that will probably surprise people who loves crossover fics like me. I gave away a minor detail on the last update so for those who were observant enough, they would probably not be surprised 😅. The title of this chapter was already a give away anyway.

I would also like to apologize because I made a mistake. I told you before that the story will have a total of 13 chapters, right? Imagined my surprise when I found out that there was a repeated chapter 😅 on my drafts.
Taking that to the account, I would like you to know that this chapter is actually THE ENDING. What a plot twist, right? I was even surprised myself as I started writing this chapter.

Please be reminded AGAIN that this story took place after they finished filming 2gether. They didn't start filming Still 2gether yet.

*** WIN ***

BRIGHT was sulking since Win woke up. The guy didn't say anything and just kept on looking at him. It was making Win conscious of himself. He subtly fixed his messy hair and straightened his wrinkled pajamas, in attempt to make himself looked more decent. "Bright..," he softly called out the other's name.

Bright sighed and got up from the beanbag to stand before him. Win's eyes widened when the older raised the hem of his own shirt, exposing the lower part of his toned stomach. Win blushed furiously and tried to back away but Bright gripped his shoulder to keep him in place.

"Bright, what---"

"Don't move," Bright seriously said.

Win closed his eyes in fear and anticipation. Bright conquered the impossible by possessing Sarawat just to stop them from kissing earlier. Was this the guy's way to make him pay? He loved Bright but he wasn't ready to do it with him yet. "B-bright... I'm not ready please---"

"Ready for what?" Bright asked in confusion.

Win opened his eyes and seemed frozen on the spot as Bright shortened the distance between them and used the hem to wipe the side of his mouth.

"There. The drool's gone."

Win never felt so ashamed on his entire life. All he wanted was to vanish just to escape the situation. Bright seemed unbothered though and occupied the spot next to him.

"You will not really explain why did you almost let him kiss you earlier?" Bright muttered.

Win fidgeted in embarrassment. It was as if the situation was not awkward enough for him. "I was carried away by the situation."

Bright nodded in response but he was obviously unconvinced. "Carried away by the situation or the person?"

Win bit his lower lip in guilt. "You know that I like him."

Bright heaved a sigh. "More than you like me?"

Win chose not to answer and focused his gaze at his window where the last rays of the sun entered the window. Sunset never failed to amaze him. It's a reminder that everything has an ending. It's tragically beautiful somehow.

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