Chapter IV

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Supermassive Blackhole

Y/n's pov

It was the day we can finally show we are so good at baseball.We were on our way to the clear area of the forest where the Cullens had already gathered.I wore a tank top with a sports bra and shorts underneath.I'm probably gonna run like a maniac around the ground today so I may as well get ready for the workout.Almost everyone from the pack came with me,their faces alight with anticipation to show the vampires who's boss.I smiled at my own thoughts and their determination to win.We may have played a long while ago, but I was still debating whether we'd lost our skills or not.We all walked to the Cullens and everyone except Rosalie greeted us with a smile.Esme walked up over to me putting her gloved hand around my shoulders,followed by Emmett."Good thing you’re here. We need an umpire."she said."I'd be happy to,that way the teams will be even."I said, agreeing."That's not the only reason.She thinks we cheat."Emmett said with a crooked grin while Esme rolled her eyes."I know you cheat. Call ‘em as you see ‘em, y/n."she said.I couldn't find Jasper anywhere and I looked around to see him standing right behind me."Whoa!"I said startled by his presence."I'm sorry.."he said as he twisted his head,side to side.

"he said as he twisted his head,side to side

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I looked at him to see him smirking at me.God,I love that smirk."So,Are you sure your team's gonna win?"he said teasing."Try me"I say to him,eye to eye and proceed to walk away,gently brushing my fingers with his as I walk away to stand in my position."Well,I think we can handle that"he says but I pay no attention to him.

"Well,I think we can handle that"he says but I pay no attention to him

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The odd thing is that the weather didn't really suit for us to play.It was cloudy and there was some lightning playing around in the clouds above.I called Jasper and asked if he wanted us to play, earlier this morning.But,all he said was to trust him.I got ready to observe the match as Jared got ready on the pitcher's mound.Esme stood near the Cullens and said,"It's time"looking at the sky.I heard thunder rumbling loudly.I returned my attention to our team on the field, keeping their eyes on the ball Jared pitched to Rosalie who smashed the ball with a loud thump with her aluminium bat.I hear thunder followed by the ball hitting the bat."That's clever"I say to Esme finally understanding why they need the lightning."That's gotta be a home run"she said referring to the ball flying at light's speed."I don't know,Esme,Paul is an awesome runner"I said to Esme focusing on Rosalie sprinting across the field and Paul running as fast as he can to reach the ball.Rosalie darts around the bases, almost a blur but Paul races out of the forest with the ball and whips it to the home plate.Esme catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in."You're out"I said,aware of her icy gaze on me."Out!Woohoo"Emmett cheers from a few feet away.Rosalie glares at him."Babe come on!It's just a game"he says.She walks away.I watch as Carlisle hits a line
drive.Embry and Leah race for the catch,before colliding and falling to the ground cursing and groaning.I try my best not to laugh.They miss the ball so Carlisle is safe.I knew who was next.I looked at him to see him stretching and playing with his baseball bat, swinging it.

I was clearly impressed and he knew it, walking over to bat,he looked at me briefly before getting ready to bat

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I was clearly impressed and he knew it, walking over to bat,he looked at me briefly before getting ready to bat.He shot the ball with unbelievable force sending the ball flying at a speed,I couldn't even see.

He shot the ball with unbelievable force sending the ball flying at a speed,I couldn't even see

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Jacob ran into the forest to search for the ball as fast as he can possibly run.It took him some time to finally come back, but Jasper already won the round.He smirked at me for his victory, but I refused to look at him, basking in his own joy of winning.It was a very tight match as the pack bat.We were neck to neck when it came to winning but, the match ended up in a tie.Emmett groaned but started encouraging Seth at his last shot.I was happy that we were getting along in very unlikely situations.I remembered my grandmother's words saying that we would grow closer from foes to friends,as our mythical relationship keeps growing.Rosalie hit my shoulder with hers as she walked away briskly, but I didn't react knowing it will only lead to worse consequences.I helped Esme assemble and pack all of their signature baseball bats and the ball."That was fun"I said to her."Yes,I wish we could play another match sometime.."Esme said,her hand on my shoulder.She knew that I didn't like how Rosalie was acting towards me and Esme knew I was upset about her."Hey, don't mind Rosalie, she'll come around soon just you wait.."her expression softened,patting my cheek with her soft hands she walked away.I saw the rest of the pack getting together to go back.Leah looked at me as if asking me I'm going to go with them or not.I just told her through mind that I'll be there soon.As I turned away my gaze fell on Jasper who was looking at me from afar.I approached him to find him playing around with his baseball bat behind his broad shoulders but took it down as I neared him.

I approached him to find him playing around with his baseball bat behind his broad shoulders but took it down as I neared him

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"Hey,there!"he said."Hey"I greeted him back."Well,the wolves played really well!I wasn't expecting that."he said and I knew he was playing with me."I'm glad that you're impressed!"I say stepping closer to him."Well,I should go....baaabe"I say teasing him with how close our bodies were,I poked his cap and turned around to leave but he grabbed me by the hands and kissed me with burning passion,his arms encircling my body and my hand around his neck.After a few moments we pulled away, gasping for breath but I was still in his grasp and my hands were sliding over his arm.The bat had already fell to the ground but we didn't seem to notice."You were a wonderful umpire"he said."You were a pretty decent batsman"I say, trying to tease him, but he starts tickling me,his cold fingers moving over my waist."Ok-Ok You Were Amazing!!!"I say trying to get him to stop.His face was buried in my neck, peppering feather light kisses only making me giggle more.He stops and he finally drops me at my house assuring me he'll be there at always....

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [Book-II]Where stories live. Discover now