Chapter VI

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Jasper's pov

I held the ring in my hand.The only possession of mine, connecting me to my past faraway childhood.I remember my mother wearing the ring,the only reminder of my father's love every day since the day I was born.Every memory came crashing into my brain,the day my father died and the day mother raised me to be a soldier she always wanted me to be.And now,the ring in my hand,reminded me of everything I ever was once.I turned it slightly to see the light glinting off its square-like diamond.It had little diamonds all across the ring, making it spectacular.I remember mother telling me that father had worked day and night for our little family until my father's family found him and ended him.I remember her telling me stories of how she met him,that he came from a rich family while mom was working hard to look after her little sister in her teenage years.She described how ecstatic she felt when he got down on one knee for her, with this ring.My mind raced back to the day when I was leaving to join the army and she gave me the ring as a reminder of her love for me until everything changed the next few days.I wish I could say a proper goodbye.I came back to marvelling in the beauty of the ring, the way the morning sunlight glinted into the diamond making it shine in the most beautiful way, just like I saw y/n the first time,the rays of sunlight illuminating her features and her long locks of hair.I had been thinking over the fact of asking her to be my betrothed for a while now and I saw no point in dwelling over it anymore.I wanted to ask her and I made sure of it.

I was on my way out of the house when Alice gave me a knowing smirk,but I didn't want her to spoil the surprise for everyone

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I was on my way out of the house when Alice gave me a knowing smirk,but I didn't want her to spoil the surprise for everyone."Hey, Alice"I said casually as I walked past her."Hey, yourself! Tell me when are you asking her?"she practically shouted with excitement.She beamed like a child in a carnival.I sighed and said,"I'm planning to ask her tonight at the gazebo.."I said in a low voice not wanting anyone to hear."But, anyone shouldn't know about this"I said, highly aware of our super hearing."Of course! I'm just so happy for you both!"she said and hugged me and swiftly left the room.I was nervous throughout the entire day.I visited her after my meal and asked her out on a date.She had just woke up at my arrival.

Y/n's pov

"Good morning,love"he said, sitting at the window from where, sunshine came through.I lazily woke up and sat, leaning against the headboard.My hands involuntarily went up to my eyes, rubbing at them, trying to stay awake."What are you doing so early?"I asked,still wanting to sleep."Well, someone's grumpy in the morning"he said as he came over to sit beside me on the bed.I gave him a look and said,"It was kinda hard to fall asleep last night but, atleast you're better than my alarm".He chuckled and said,"That's all I am?A replacement for an alarm?"."I know you know the answer of how much you mean to me Mr.Hale"I said and leaned in to kiss him once, twice and many more."Well, I actually came to ask you out on a date..."he said,a questioning look on his face."Ok,but when?"I asked."I was thinking, tonight?"he asked."That sounds wonderful, where are we going?"I asked curiousity getting the best of me."That's a surprise for later,doll"he said in his amazing voice.I pouted and slid into his lap,his hands clutching my back in a gentle yet strong way."Not even if I do this?"I said and kissed him passionately.He returned the kiss with the same fervour.We opened our eyes slowly,still hazy from the kiss."I really don't want to ruin the surprise for you,but I can give you a hint because that was amazing"he said, touching my bottom lip with his thumb."We go there every year on a very special day and dance under the starry night"he said with a playful smirk.It took me a moment to realise that he was referring to the gazebo but I was still in doubt of whether it really was the one because we only went there on my birthday and today was not my birthday."Mhmm..ok"I said, still looking at him doubtfully."What?"he asked,his voice barely a whisper."I think I know the place,but I am still not sure if it really is the one.."I said."Well,looks like you'll find out tonight! I'll be there to pick you up at 8!"he said and kissed me before leaving the room.

In the evening,

Jasper's pov

I arrived at her door and knocked,and the door opened, Emily stood,smiling at me. "Hey, Jasper, Come on in! "." Good evening,Emily"I greeted her and went in to sit in a chair beside a small table.Sam had asked me to sit there, in front of him.I wanted to talk to him about asking her.I was about to ask him, when he paused me with his hand raised.I could say that he already knew what I was going to ask.He just smiled and said,"She's all we had, from the moment we saw her and as a father, I request you to promise me that, You'll take utmost care of her.. "his expression softening. I gave him a smile and said, "Since the day, I met her,she has always been in my thoughts and my heart.I love her, so deeply, and I promise to take care of her, just like I always did and will keep doing.I promise to cherish her,Sam.. " He hesitated for a second before pulling me into a manly hug.I smiled realising how lucky I am to be with her...

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [Book-II]Where stories live. Discover now