Chapter I

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New beginnings

Y/n's pov

I'm feeling stuck in my life.Nothing makes me happy anymore.Every time I cry, I feel nothing but numbness.Now, it was dusk, sitting on the cliffside looking at the sunset,my mind races to the times when I used to spend time here with him.I hug my knees to my chest, trying to calm myself.But,it didn't seem to work....

Jasper's pov

I didn't want to leave y/n alone.I wanted to be by her side even in hard times.I love her and I'm going to try my best to get her back and I knew exactly what to do.Esme seemed to worry about her.Everyone seemed to treat her like family,well, except Rosalie..I made my way through the forest to y/n's house.I knocked a few times and Emily opened the door."Mrs.Uley,Is y/n here?"I asked.
"Y/n isn't here...and please call me Emily.."she said looking a little tired.She was feeling tired and hopeless about y/n's situation,I sensed it.She obviously had sleepless nights thinking about what to do,and I sincerely felt very sad for her."Could you tell me where she might be?"I asked her and she said that I could find her near the cliff overlooking the sea.I thanked her and instantly rushed to the cliffside and slowed down as I approached the edge.I saw her sitting on the edge of the cliff,her legs dangling off the edge.She was admiring the sunset.I approached slowly,but,got distracted by her features shining as the sun descends the horizon.Her (e/c) eyes were giving away a golden glow and her (h/c) flowing more gracefully than the waves below.I was snapped out of my thoughts as she felt my presence and looked back at me and smiled weakly.
"Hey."she greeted me,her voice faltering slightly."Hey."I said."Are you sure you won't fall off..?"I said slowly approaching her."That's the last thing that's gonna happen."she said hesitating slightly."Well.. alright then.."I said still a little scared.I slowly sat down beside her, watching my steps carefully.She took my hand and held it close to her,interlacing our fingers."Darlin', need to move on..."I said.She looked at me for a moment but I continued speaking,"That's what everyone wants...even Nick would want that for continue with your life...even I want that from you....."I squeezed our interlaced hands lightly but she broke into tears, leaning into my shoulder,and I turned to kiss the top of her head, trying to reassure her."I can't seem to move on...Jas... he's my best friend..since the day I met him.I am not even sure if I can move on..."she said trying to catch her breath between crying."Hey-Hey, I'm gonna be here for you,every step of the way... I am going to help you move on,no matter what... because....I love you so damn much,y/n.."I said gazing softly into her eyes.She looked at me through her misty eyes, smiling weakly."She placed her hand on my face and kissed me tenderly."I love you too"she whispered just a breath away from me.
We slowly made our way back to her home since it was getting dark.Our hands still interlaced like earlier.The walk home was peaceful...and silent.When we reached her home,I asked,"I'm gonna be here tomorrow and we're going somewhere,ok?"."Ok"she said in a low voice.She walked over to the front door, and stopped, turning to look at me,she smiled slightly, and I returned a smile at her.She walked inside and I made my way towards home.

Y/n's pov

Jasper's words ran through my mind as I entered the door to find my parents on the couch.I really neede to make an effort if I need to move on.I looked at them and they looked back at me, like they were asking me if something was wrong.I took a deep breath and walked over to them sitting across from them."Hey,sweetie.. everything alright?"my mom asked, leaning over to caress my shoulder.I nodded trying not to cry,but the tears seemed to fall.I closed my eyes for a moment to collect myself from breaking apart anymore."Everything's fine,mom.."I said,my voice still a little shaky."oh,honey,c'mere"she said and got up from the couch to sit beside me and hugged me.I knew she was affected from the past events too, she loved him like a son after all.Losing a member of the pack was losing a part of yourself and it hurt so bad,that the pack didn't even talk to each other for days.The alpha is responsible for grouping them together again,even though it means him so much pain.I didn't want my dad to go through that alone.But,my tears begin to fall realising that I haven't been there for my family when they needed me the most.My heart ached just thinking that I can't do anything about that now."I'm sorry I wasn't there for you both, when you needed me the most... I'm sorry"I try to say in between sobs."Don't say that, sweetie.."I heard my dad's voice approaching, holding both of us in a rib-breaking hug.I missed them so much.We stayed like this for a few seconds before breaking apart.I looked down, trying to wipe my tears away, while mom and dad took deep breaths.
It wasn't long before I climbed upstairs to my room.It was already night, the stars shining bright.I can't seem to believe that he's gone just like that, my best friend...He just slipped through my hands, like the wind takes sand away with it.I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jasper approaching.I quickly wiped at my eyes because if he saw me crying, he's gonna feel disappointed."Hey,doll!"he said sitting on the edge of my window."Hey.."I said,my voice came out a little shaky.He walked up to me and held my face in his cold hands."Y/n..."he whispered slowly as if he already knew I was crying.I looked at him and saw him frown just a little bit.I hugged him tight and he kissed the top of my head.We move to the bed and he holds me close, laying my head on his shoulder,I try to sleep, through the never-ending thoughts of not being able to save Nick."It's going to be alright, love" were the words I heard before I drift off to dreamless sleep...

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