Chapter XVIII

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Newfound home

Y/n's pov

Upon reaching home, I was greeted by my daughter and her aunt Rosalie or in other words, her godmother.As soon as she handed her to me, I was overwhelmed by love.She was precious and fragile."She just woke up from a nap!"Rose exclaimed.Ellie yawned right after Rose spoke.She had big amber eyes; which at the moment were staring at me curiously; resembling Jasper's.She reached out with her tiny hand and stroked my cheek.I could feel my heart filling with love.She giggled as I kissed her chubby cheeks.My baby Ellie, I would protect her with everything in my power. I felt Jasper's hands on my shoulders gazing lovingly at her.Our love."You two are adorable but we all know she's the most adorable!"Alice said, making grabby-hands at Ellie. I sighed and gave her to Alice who spinned her.
After a fresh shower I informed Jasper that I was going on walk alone and left. I didn't realize that I could turn into a wolf even after the transformation.Maybe the blank pages meant that the rest of my life was my story to write.Not anyone's prediction.I made my way through the forest like the path was etched into my heart.I could see the place where I grew up.
A sudden sense of dread washed over me as my mind felt silent since I woke up.There were no silly words of Seth nor my father's silent orders.I could hear the slighest twitch of a twig but no sound from any of the pack's.I felt excluded from my home that loved me all these years. I was the lone wolf cub once again.
I couldn't really blame them. This was my decision from the start. Only mine. I thought to myself as I walked back to my new home.
As I entered the house, I hear commotion from the above floor. I rush to see who were there and I was stuck for words or even thoughts.
There stood my family, the one who loves me despite my stubbornness and all my flaws.I see my mom cuddling Ellie and kissing her cheeks as I guessed she would.Dad was of course with Jasper, conversing about God knows what.I approached my mom who spotted me and pulled me into a hug, kissing my cheeks. "She's perfect!"she said with a proud smile. As I stood beside my mum, I realised the three generations not bound by blood but, by love which had the power to surpass it's biggest enemy, time..
"Well, where are the others mum?" I asked her and she replied in a hurry that they were on their way as she soon began conversing with Esme and Rose.I loved this, loved the way they were all together with no past conflicts and all the dreadful violence. I sure hope it lasts that way. "Well now, I and you know why the pages were empty.." I heard a voice behind me."Dad!"I ran into his arms just like I always did since the days I learnt how to walk."Sorry sweets, but I could not bear to lose you"he said apologizing for his past actions."I'm not going anywhere Dad.. "I said hugging him." What were you talking about with Jas?"I asked him playfully."Just man talk..."he said.But, surprisingly I could hear him telepathically saying that he was just apologizing.I discovered that I still had the ability to listen to their thoughts."What is it?"he asked pulling me out of my thoughts, but I just shook my head "nothing".I assured him with a safe smile.
Esme, and everyone else convinced them to stay for dinner and after much insisting, we had the most peaceful dinner together.This felt right, this bond between us, felt the most peaceful in a long time.As I sat there in silence, gazing at everyone, I felt a hand holding mine, resting on my thigh.We smiled at each other, and at once I felt elated.

fter dinner, Mom and Dad left after almost mentioning a million times to visit them.Almost everyone left to feed except Jasper and me because we had fed earlier."Finally!, I get you alone... All to myself"he said and grabbed me out of nowhere, kissing me passionately.I fell into his arms, like always.He was in a hurry, pushing me gently to a wall, where no one could see us.He almost ripped my shirt, kissing and nipping down my throat.Right as I was beginning to take of my shirt, I heard Ellie cry, "Sounds like someone needs you more than I do",Jas whispered against my lips.He hesitantly let go of my hand as I walked over towards her buttoning my shirt.After swaying her lightly she began to drift off to sleep but was still conscious of where she was.So, I decided to take her to another room as I read one of Jasper's books.He joined me on the couch, admiring how she slept soundly.We thought about how we were still unsure of her, whether she is a vampire, werewolf or simply human.It was a peaceful little family moment before the doorbell rang and Jasper went to open as they returned.
Alice slowly approached me as I was hooked in the words of the book.She took Ellie from me as gently as she could to not wake her and placed her in the crib in Rose's room.She returned swiftly as Jasper made his way back to you and gave you a key."Consider this an early birthday present"she said as we were led outside to a little house which looked really cozy."We thought you guys might like a place of your own."she said as she motioned for us to go with a wink in her eye.Jasper showed me Ellie's room and our room which stood out to me the most other than any room.As I reaches our room, I noticed a king size bed and looked at him puzzled."Not for sleeping" he whispered into my ear.He started kissing  behind my ear as I smirked getting the hint.This time he undressed himself first and then unbuttoned my shirt and took of my bra, before laying me down gently on the bed.Every kiss and touch felt as intense as fire and ice and I could not stop myself from moaning everytime his lips kissed a sensitive spot on me.He slipped off the rest of our clothes and we made love the entire night, exchanging moans and whimpers with every touch of his skin against mine.And,this time he didn't hold back at all...

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