Chapter XVII

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Dream and Wake

Y/n's pov

I had no clue where I was.It was really bright and when my eyes finally adjusted to the bright sun, I saw that I was in a sunflower field.I turned around and round hurrying to recognize and remember how I got here.I see a man walking towards me.As he got closer I recognized him from not so long ago.My best friend.I ran into him and almost knocked him out."Hey, easy there, alpha!"he said and chuckled still hugging me."I missed you"I cried out."I miss you too"he said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.I smile up at him but then, I remember.I start to back away,remembering his wounded body moments before he left us all."Am I dead?"I cry out. No, no I could not be, I've left them, my parents, my beloved, my daughter. My thoughts raced and I was on the brink of panic."Hey-Hey listen, you're ok.. You're ok.."he  tried to calm me down."You're not dead...-"he started, "But, then-" I interrupted."...You're not alive either"he said and I was terrified.What does that even mean?"It's your choice.."he said but I had no clue what he was talking about."I want to be alive, I can't leave my daughter behind! I need to go back please!"I was panicking, and it wasn't just my eyes burning with tears.It felt like my whole body was burning and my eyes were becoming blurry.I fell to my knees even if I felt myself boiling from the inside out,my first wish was to go back.I felt him leaning down to my height and held my hand.A while later, he took my hand and kissed it gently.He held it firmly and told me to close my eyes and to take a deep breath.I tried to calm myself as much as I could and took in a deep breath.As I exhaled I felt a chill breeze around me but I could not open my eyes.

Jasper's pov

It had been three days.Three days since her heart stopped.She was put in Carlisle's observation after Rose and Alice wiped off the blood from where I bit her in my frenzy and dressed her in a white dress.I spent most of my time reading to her.She looked like a sleeping angel.I could feel everyone worrying for me,that I was beginning to go crazy. But, I've been crazily in love with her since the moment I saw her.I could not wait for her to wake up.That night, It was frightening to walk towards Carlisle, I didn't know what I am meant to be after I literally lost my lifeline.As I entered the living room, I could see almost everyone including Rosalie with my daughter in her hands.But, before my thoughts could take over me, Carlisle spoke,"We don't know how long it will take for her to wake up.".I was speechless but curious.Carlisle read my expression and continued, "Yes the venom worked, but she's wolf-blood so it's going to take time and I don't know how long..".

Y/n's pov

At first, I felt very hyperaware of my surroundings.I could hear every little rustle of wind, a leaf falling down, the smallest whispers and breaths. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was trying to focus on a single thing, but I could see every little particle in the air, the bright rays of the sun poking through the little spaces near the window.My skin felt like ice and I could not feel my heart beating anymore. Yet, I've never felt so alive.As I was trying to get up, my eyes drifted across the room and I caught sight of him.I tilted my head to get a better look at him,I felt like I was seeing him in a much brighter light,his smirk makes me blush just like the day I met him.He approaches me and brushes my cheek, "You're still warm, just like I remember" his voice crystal clear and passing through me like a wave as he hugged me tight."You slept for four days straight"he teased me and chuckled.I hit his arm playfully, chuckling to his silly joke."Ow, that hurt"he said to me.I pull him in for a long kiss, oh how I missed him.We hadn't stopped until we heard interrupting coughs from the back."Where's she?"I asked him.He held my hand as he began to guide me towards her.But,I almost fell over, a burning sensation in my throat."Hey..."his hand supported me,"Ellie's right here, but we need to do something else first"he smirked.
And that was it.It was a really new experience, running through the forest, yet every detail, was clear as light, never blurry.I could feel the air whipping my hair backwards and hear every little sound in the forest.I wanted to change into my true wolf form, but I still wasn't sure after my transformation.
I was struck by the scent of blood by the time I reached an open space in the forest.I could see a bear lurking around.I could not even hear Jasper's words as I tried to transform and attack the bear.I could feel myself growing and pinned down the bear in one swift jump.

fter almost draining the bear of its blood I transformed back.. Naked.Thanks to Alice, I had asked for a short dress that I strapped to my leg, like everytime.I hadn't even noticed Jas gazing at me with a feral look in his eyes. He was a breath away from my lips in a swift moment.He gripped the back of my neck and started swiping and kissing the blood of my lips and delving right into my mouth.His hands roamed my naked body and this time, I was thankful for two things. One, we weren't interrupted. Two, He isn't holding himself back, like he did during the honeymoon.We stayed that way for a few moments.As he was zipping up my dress, he said, "I can hear gears turning..."kissing my temple.I turned towards him and spoke, "You didn't hold back this time.".He just smiled at me, and looked down at his hands, a nervous habit." I thought I lost you..We weren't sure your body would allow you to..."he spoke unsure of his words, but I know he didn't want to talk about that.I step closer to him and hold his face tenderly,"Well, I'm not going anywhere, ever again."I said, pushing some of his golden hair back.We share a kiss before we make our way back to the house hand in hand.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [Book-II]Where stories live. Discover now