Chapter XII

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The Night and The Morning After

Y/n's pov,

I stirred awake from the sun's rays hitting the room.My eyes adjusted to the bright light and I saw that the bed was standing slightly crooked.My gaze was distracted by the black pieces of cloth laying on the floor and I blushed remembering the last night's events.I was sore all over but, I found the strength to put on my robe and walked towards the washroom.I looked at myself in the mirror and realised I look the same but different, like time never moved forward like it always does. I noticed my slightly messy hair and slightly bruised lips.I felt my lips, and reminisced about the night before.His demanding kisses on my lips, breathy moans and hums, soft strokes of his fingers across the sides of my body.I moved my gaze towards my neck and collarbone and saw several lovebites.I shivered at the feeling of his lips on my skin, my hold on his hair,not pulling or pushing but, loving in the moment.I remember him slowly pulling off the remaining clothes, that were barely covering my body, lovingly, kissing every new inch of my skin.His skin felt cold to touch but, it still stoked a fire in my heart.I remember my heart beating out of my chest and his sweet whispers in my ear.His callused hands roamed every part of my body."I need you"I remember saying,as he reached my intimate places.I was getting ready for him to have me with every kiss and sensual touch.He kissed me long, and looked into my eyes, "It will hurt a little, but you tell me if it gets too much, okay?" he said and kissed me again, after I nodded my head.He undressed himself and I looked down as he hit my stomach.I remember how I blushed and shake my head.I remember him reassuring me."I'll be gentle, love..."he whispered and kissed my forehead.His lips moved from my lips and onto my neck and his fingers traced the path from my navel to my slit.I let out a moan as his fingers entered me, gasping from the foreign sensation.After a few moments, he steadily put one hand on the headboard and the other one on 'himself'.He kissed me fervently, biting my lip, making me focus on the kiss, but, I still felt him entering me at a slow pace,inch by inch, and I let out a gasping moan into the kiss.His grip on the headboard cracked and I held his face in my hands."Hey.. "I whispered as I kissed him softly this time and he gripped my hips and entered me fully.I threw my head back, at the feeling of being one with him, and I still remember the kisses he left on my skin as he moaned too, gripping my hips tighter.We came face to face, and I was breathing into his lips as he asked me,"Are you alright?".I nodded my head and let out a content sigh.He kissed me as he began to move with me and it wasn't long before we both reached the peak of ecstasy and relaxed.The next thing I remember are his faint kisses on my forehead as I fell asleep.I lifted the robe to look at my hips, seeing bruises from his strong grip.I smiled at myself and saw Jasper out of the corner of my eye.I turned around, smiling at him.He smiled but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.I approached him,"Hey, what happened?"as I stroked his cheek.He lifted his gaze to look at my bruises, running his fingers over them.I sighed knowing what he was thinking about,"They don't hurt,honey...Yes, I'm sore but I'm fine and happier than ever..."I said reassuring him. I leaned in to kiss him, making him smile this time."Let me take care of you today..."He said brushing his fingers in my hair."I'll get the tub ready... ".He said and carried me in within minutes.After a massage on my head and a refreshing bath,I got ready for breakfast.We baked some pancakes together,just like every time but, happier than the last.Later,we sat on the porch overlooking the ocean, as he recited poetry to me.Time passed, and we were now resting on the couch in front of the tv screen playing some show.I wasn't entirely awake, and straining to keep my eyes open.But, my eyes quickly opened when I saw an old couple entering the room.Jasper stood up and I followed him.I saw that the woman was looking familiar to me, but I don't remember seeing her anywhere.I bent down to switch off the TV and I noticed that the woman gasped and took a step back.I realized that she may have recognized my "natural tattoo".They rushed into the bedroom to see the damage to the bed... and the cot.They said something to Jasper hurriedly and left but, the woman turned around,looking astonishingly at me."What was that all about?" I asked Jas."Oh, they said they'll send someone to take care of our mess...They're the housekeepers by the way."he said."But,I get the feeling that she's afraid of you.."he added."Why?"I ask almost inaudible."Because I have you here all alone..."he says and I give him a
look."She suspects. She’s native Ticuna, they have legends about blood drinking demons who prey on beautiful women."he says as he kissed me.I pulled him in deepening the kiss.It was already evening and I saw the sun setting beautifully along the line where sky meets the ocean."Let's go for a walk along the shore.Soon, we walked together, hand in hand."I want to stay here forever with you.. "he said and kissed my hand." It sounds lovely but I want more than forever with you even if I won't live long.. "I replied as hugged him and stood on my toes to kiss him.I traced my hand along his chest as I whispered against his lips."Now,let's see if you can catch me" he said as I turned to run away but, he used his supersenses to catch me, my back was now against his chest and he was teasing me with his ticklish kisses against my neck as I giggled uncontrollably.Every moment with him brings me more joy than the last...

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