Chapter VIII

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Y/n's pov

Time passes like the fleeting wind. It had already been a few weeks after he asked me to be his one and only.I couldn't be more ecstatic.Alice was by my side this whole time.She said,"Everything has to be perfect!".I smiled at her excitement.She asked me for every detail, like the best friend she is.She hugged me saying how happy she is for me.After all,she was the first one who came running to congratulate us as soon as we visited them last.
Now, here I was trying to walk in heels as Alice insisted I wear them."Alice,Can I please walk barefoot? "I asked, pleading her with my most convincing puppy dog eyes." Absolutely not! "She said, "Look, you'll learn to walk in it eventually.."She said as I was almost a step away from meeting the ground face first.I carefully stepped out of them, one by one, putting my hand on her shoulder as I slipped them off."I can't wait for the special day, two of my best friends getting married.. "she said with a proud look on her face.I smiled at her.She took the shoes as I caught sight of Jasper looking out from the balcony of the house.He looked ethereal as the morning sunlight hit him.He looked deep in thought.I haven't been able to spend much time with him as earlier as Alice and I were busy with the arrangements for the wedding.I could not believe that the wedding was so soon and I was  smiling to myself, my cheeks heating up.Alice noticed and sighed dramatically,"A beautiful blushing bride.. ".I rolled my eyes and smiled." Well, I assure you tomorrow is gonna be perfect!"she said.I smiled and was about to continue the conversation when Emmett's voice cut in.I looked back to see that he and Carlisle were carrying a wooden plank.

I looked back to see that he and Carlisle were carrying a wooden plank

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"Where do you want ’em boss?"he asked."On either side of the isle."she said."What isle?"he asked, but kept walking."Does no one have vision?!"she said and ran after them.I saw Embry, Phil, Leah and all others helping them out.I smiled at them and approached them."I'm so happy for you!!"Leah punched me in the shoulder.It hurt a little, and she understood it from my pained expression."Come on,it didn't hurt that much."she said."I heard that being in love makes us soft..."Paul said."Careful, I can still tackle you in a fight."I said pointing a finger at him."Leave it, he's just dumb..."she said and walked a few paces away from the boys."But, if anything goes wrong, you know I'll always be there right?".I nodded my head and hugged her."Now, you need to go home and prepare,after all you need your beauty sleep!".I smiled at her before walking away to return home.When I reached,I saw my mom, sitting at the dinner table with a childhood photo of me.She was smiling and her eyes were glistening with tears."Mom,Are you ok?"I asked as I sat beside her."Just thinking about our precious bundle of joy,who grew up to be the most wonderful woman and is getting married tomorrow..".I couldn't help the tears that reached my eyes."I'm still your little girl,Mom..."I said as I hugged her tight.She pulled away to wipe my tears and hugged me like if she didn't want to let me go.

After a few hours,

I returned home and freshened up washing my hair and waiting for the beautiful day tomorrow.I sat on the bed wearing the necklace he gifted me.I heard a shuffling noise outside my window when Jasper jumped in."Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,Mr. Hale?"I asked sheepishly."Just checking for cold feet...and if I can have bad luck then how did I meet you?I consider myself darn lucky to find you in my life"He said with a little smile."Well my feet are toasty warm"I said as I tip-toed and kissed him."I can't wait to be yours.. "I whispered against his lips.He smiled as he pulled away.He takes my hand with gentle fingers."I've waited so long for you,I catch myself smiling like a fool at the thought of you.. You make me a lovesick soul, Y/n" He says while brushing his fingers gently on my cheek.I kissed him with such passion,because I could not form words of how much I love him.His hands tightened around my waist as he matched my passion,running his tongue over my bottom lip and with one last kiss he pulled away.When I opened my eyes,I took in the sight of his messed up golden curls and bright gold eyes."I love you, with all my being,Jasper".I was still locked in his embrace when I heard something by the window. We both turned towards it to see Emmet.

"Don’t worry, y/n,we’ll get him back in plenty of time" he said

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"Don’t worry, y/n,we’ll get him back in plenty of time" he said."A bachelor party huh?"I asked him.He sighed and said,"They pulled me out of the house, but it got me an excuse to see you.."."What kind of bachelor party, may I ask?"I asked."It includes mountain lions and some bears.."he said.I hear a sound and this time it was Edward,"Send him out,y/n,or we’re coming in after him"he said as he vanished again."Go now,or my dad's gonna kill me and you all..."He put one leg out of the window, ready to jump out,but pulled me in for one last sweet kiss before jumping out.I looked out of the window, to see him still smiling at me.He whispers,"I love you".I could barely hear him, but it still sent my heart racing against my chest.He disappeared in the blink of an eye, into the dark of the forest...

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