Chapter XI

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Isle Esme

Y/n's pov,

The reception was coming to an end and I walked in to change into more comfortable clothing.

The reception was coming to an end and I walked in to change into more comfortable clothing

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I walked out to find my parents."Did he tell you where he's taking you?"my mom asked excitedly."He says that's a surprise everytime I ask"I said and hugged her.I turned to my father and met his gaze,he was feeling mixed emotions.I hugged him,"I love you dad"I murmured, clutching him tightly."I love you"he said and stroked my hair.I looked up at him to find his eyes glistening with tears.Soon,Mom joined in on the hug and we tumbled into a fit of joyful tears.After a few more moments, I stepped away and collected myself.I walked out into the awaiting crowd that were ready to send the newlyweds away. I met Alice on my way and she said that the bags are packed and put in the trunk.I saw Edward carrying the last bag to the car."Have fun.."she said and hugged me, with a wink.I walked towards the passenger seat to find him already standing with the door open."M'lady"he teased as I settled myself into the seat.He walked towards the driver's seat and sat down,his hands reached out to hold my right hand. He started driving and I smiled at everyone waving goodbye.
We reached the airport very soon and boarded the plane.It wasn't moments away from landing and I was still nervous, I remembered that this was the first time I even went out of the country.He noticed my hand and held it squeezing it reassuring me.I met his heated gaze, filled with love and something else...We we're soon met by a very kind driver who wished us and then took us to the port where a small boat awaited us.He helped us put the luggage in and Jasper took control of the boat. I took in my surroundings, it was calm and serene.The moonlight reflecting the waves and the bright stars. I breathed in the chill air closing my eyes, the wind whipping my hair backwards.I opened my eyes and met his gaze already looking at me.I gave him a questioning look."You are ethereally beautiful..."he said still gazing at me,a blush rised to my cheeks.He returned to steering the boat.I seemed to realize that we would be all alone for a few weeks and my heart seemed to palpitate with excitement."Isle Esme.."Jasper said, and turned to look at a little island approaching.There seemed to be house directly ahead, almost a hundred feet away from the shore.We reached the shore and Jasper approached me soon after stopping the boat.He suddenly took me by my waist and the back of my knees lifting me and making me stand on the sandy shore.The gesture surprised me. I leant in to take a bag as Jasper managed to carry the rest easily.We walked towards the entrance of the beautiful house.I placed the bags by the entrance,Jasper following. He lifted me again and I asked,"How many times are you going to sweep me off my feet?"."I'm nothing if not traditional for my wife"he said and kissed the tip of my nose and he carried me over the threshold.I stepped down admiring the decorative room,"This is so beautiful..."I walked forward."A gift from Carlisle, Esme offered to let us borrow it.."he said.He walked towards me and turned me towards him."I'll let you shower and I'll go and make sure the power and everything else are working.."he said as he leant in and kissed me.It seemed that he was teasing me and I was left wanting more of him.I decided to shower and soon I was refreshed by the feeling of water hitting my skin.I stepped out to find that he had put the bag by the bed and I started looking through it.

I stepped out to find that he had put the bag by the bed and I started looking through it

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I was surprised to find only straps of cloth,lace and silk lingerie.I can't believe Alice packed this in my second bag.That was the meaning of the wink she gave me.Jasper must have put this here by mistake.I wished that he would bring the rest of the bags in.I mentally facepalmed my self.I can't risk going out into the hall with a towel around myself to get my other bag, which I packed thankfully.Hesitantly,I sifted through the bag and found something...decent, than the rest.

I fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror

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I fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror.I didn't know how to feel.Yes, it adorned my body, hugging my curves.But, I was feeling only nervousness.I stepped out of the bathroom wearing a silk robe.I saw Jasper sitting on the bed,reading a book, shirtless and I took in a deep breath, he looked too stunning.He noticed my nervous expression and approached me, tilting my chin up with his fingers.I melted in his golden eyes, full of love and desire.He came closer, his hand now stroking my cheek softly."Hey, is something wrong?"he asked softly.", it's just that.."I tried to get my thoughts out, but felt shy and looked down.I could not understand what came over me and I crashed my lips into his.The rest of the world melted and the only thing, I felt was him, his love..He gently pushed me to the wall and started kissing me,his hands grabbing my waist,softly this time.And then, surprisingly, he pulled away.He looked down and sighed slowly, he knew that I didn't expect him to pull away.He finally spoke,"I don't want to hurt you.."he said caressing my cheek."Jas,you could never hurt me...I'm a wolf, I'll be alright,I promise.."I said holding his hand on my cheek and kissing him.The next moment we were kissing,the soft kisses turning into passion with each growing moment. His hands roamed,my body, over the silk robe as he kissed me with heated vigor.I decided to tease him as I tried to pull away from the confined space between him and the wall.I pulled off the silk robe,letting it fall to my ankles.His eyes roamed over me once and then he met my eyes."You're so beautiful"he said as he gripped my waist,"Let me make love to you... I'm yours..."he whispered against my cheek and then kissed the spot under my ear.It was going to be a magical night...

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