Chapter IX

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The Wedding

Y/n's pov,

The day had arrived.I was excited and nervous at the same time.I woke up early and reached the Cullens house.I took a shower and was in the clutches of my soon to be sister,Alice.She insisted that I get my nails done by her and she did a really good job while talking my ear off about choosing the perfect lingerie.She knew that I was blushing but I just nodded my head because I knew there was no way of getting out of her polite demands."Wow! French manicure really looks good on you!"she said and I saw how beautiful my nails were.I took in a sigh.I was getting married. To the perfect gentleman.I couldn't help the tears of joy that escaped my eyes."Hey now, don't you cry!I don't want red eyes!"Alice said playfully as she wiped my tears." I know how much this day means to you, y/n..believe me, I've been there.."she said.I saw how Alice and Edward looked at each other and I realised how much they mean to each other."Why don't I get you some lunch?"she said quickly changing the topic. She had already told me how she met Edward and how they both knew they were each other's mates and their beautiful wedding. She also told me about her torturing past and how Edward helped her all the way till now."Lunch sounds good!"I said and she got up."Alice,Thank you for everything..."she squeezed my hand and said,"I'm your best friend and your soon to be sister,I would do anything for you...bestie."she said with a smirk.My stomach growled with hunger and I realized that I hadn't eaten breakfast."I'll be quick!"she said as she ran to get some food."Ok... Bestie.."I smiled.I was very grateful to have her in my life.

It was almost 4 PM and I was still getting ready, Alice was putting some blush on my cheeks when Rosalie entered."Do you need some help? I could do her hair.."she said.

I was speechless for a moment because this was the first time we spoke after our truce talk

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I was speechless for a moment because this was the first time we spoke after our truce talk."Weddings! They bring everyone together!"Alice beamed as Rosalie moved to brush my hair."I think I know just the thing"as Rosalie set to work on my hair.A few minutes later, I saw my hair arranged in the most beautiful way.

I looked at myself in the mirror.I really did look great.I hear my mom approaching,"Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful!Oh, honey!" she said as she started crying.Alice hands her a handkerchief as she complains about her mascara.I saw my dad standing a few feet behind. "Sam!get in here!"she says as my father nervously walks towards us, "You sure? I don't wanna..." he says but approaches. I noticed his wedding tux.I realized I had never seen him wear it except his wedding picture."We brought you something.."dad said as he produced a box and opened it.

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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [Book-II]Where stories live. Discover now