Chapter XVI

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The Accident and The Miracle

I sat yawning already from the lack of sleep I've been facing due to the ferocious kicks to my stomach.Rosalie kept on brainstorming baby names at a very fast rate.It seemed like she was more excited for the child than me and it made me feel joyful."So, I guess you like the name Thaddeus??"she asked.I stared at her blankly."She despises that, Rose.."Edward's voice rang as he entered the room with Jas in tow.I tried to get up but could not until I leaned into Rosalie's grip."I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.."I said my throat feeling dry."But, I have some names..".I thought about Nick several times during this period.Everyone misses their best friend when they are lonely. I recalled all of our conversations and I realized I miss him more than I think I do."Aaron.Aaron Nicholas Hale for a boy..."Jas smiled at me."And umm... Elizabeth Celeste Hale after Jasper's mum"I barely spoke, my throat felt really dry but I was too busy gazing at my husband."That's really beautiful.."he said with a heartwarming smile.I was almost a second away from coughing when I reached for the cup on the table. Rosalie let go of me and I fell to my knees as pain rushed through my legs.Jas quickly held onto my head before it could reach the floor.I wish I wasn't this fragile but then again, I would do anything for my child.
Everything after that was a blur. I could only remember some parts of it.All I felt was pain.Pain coursing through me as I felt myself slipping away from reality.Their conversations felt like whispers as I was still trying to fathom what was happening.I really wish Carlisle was here. He would sedate me and I would feel nothing and how I wished to feel nothing in this overwhelming state.I remembered they had gone out to hunt and Edward and Jasper were the first to return as Rose waited with me.I screamed as I felt something sharp on my abdomen, like it was cutting through me.I could hear Seth and Jasper debating to change me. I still felt that it would not work.My baby, I remembered why I was here and why I felt this pain."My baby, Save him please"My screams reverberated in my own ears as I felt dizzy again.Before I could surrender to the sleep I was desperately craving.I caught a glimpse of hope and heard a tiny cry.The world felt really silent and peaceful.I saw the most beautiful sight."Elizabeth..."Jasper cooed as he held her delicately."She's beautiful.."he whispered as he held her close to me."Ellie.. "I called to her.I would have gone through all of this for a million times if it meant I could see her,our daughter.She is really beautiful.She looked at me and I felt my eyes start to tear up as I felt a sharp pain in my heart.I heard him give Ellie to Seth as I felt myself slipping away...

Jasper's pov

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Jasper's pov

I felt guilty. Guilty for doing this to her, the love of my life.I couldn't lose her.I tried injecting my venom and bit her desperately trying to bring her back.I didn't even feel the presence of Sam and Emily in the room until I heard her cry.For the first time in my life, I wanted to control my own emotions, this deep soul-breaking pain.Sam approached me and I didn't even flinch.He could have killed me and I happily would have let him.I would do the same for my daughter."You deserve to live with matter how badly I want to kill you, you deserve this."he whispered into my ear threateningly like he was the voice in my head.But, he was right I did this to her, I need to feel this pain, because if I didn't, did my love for her even matter?I saw Sam stroking her hair away and kissing her forehead, but I could feel his pain even if he never let me see his tears.I knew it was Seth's mind he read when he found out she was giving birth.Everyone's emotions were overwhelming.Sam dragged Emily away as she cried her heart out.The room fell silent for the first time. I regret not hearing her heartbeat, not spending more time with her.I approached her and fell to my knees and pleaded for her to forgive me as I apologized and I would do it forever if it meant I get to see her smile again, hold her again and listen to her calming and gentle heartbeat."Please honey, please don't go away".My heart shattered everytime I looked at her lifeless eyes.I never wanted to do this to her.I would do everything in my power to avoid this.
There was a commotion outside.I saw the wolves fighting Carlisle and Esme along with Emmett.I ran outside and tried to help them but, it was only spiraling out of control.

I ran outside and tried to help them but, it was only spiraling out of control

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"Please STOP!"Seth screamed as he ran out and transformed.Edward read their minds as I saw them leave, grieving their lost one. Edward told us that Seth had somewhat convinced them that y/n would not want this and Sam would not kill his own grandchild.Carlisle and Esme rush inside towards her as I stood helplessly.
I could see Rose towards the far end room,singing her niece to sleep.I still had her blood on my hands and I could not wipe them off just like I could not shake off the guilt, that I caused this.Everytime she tried to bring us together, I was the one tearing it apart.I saw Edward approach me as I tried to wash my hands and face, thinking that maybe this will make me forget about what just happened.I turned towards him but could not bear to look at his face,I thought I would not be wanted in this family anymore and they would be right for thinking that.He stayed silent for a long time."It's not what you are thinking..".I sighed."Carlisle's calling for you." He said bluntly and left.

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