Chapter VII

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The proposal

Y/n's pov

I looked at myself in the mirror, once again, before walking downstairs for our date.I loved it everytime we went to the gazebo.It made me feel like we were the only two souls in the world.As I walked down the stairs, I saw Jasper waiting for me in his suit.He looked dapper and smiling like a perfect gentlema, not that he wasn't already one.He took my hand and walked to the front door arm in arm.I turned to my parents and gave them a glance only to notice that my mom had tear-stained cheeks and glossy eyes."Mom, Is everything ok?"I asked worry etched into my face."Oh, I was just cutting the onions earlier!"she said, smiling cheerfully.I smiled back at her and murmured a little ok and walked back towards Jasper and noticed my father giving a smile and a nod before he closed the door and we walked towards the gazebo.

A little while later,

We reached the gazebo, but it looked a little more special than the last time we were here

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We reached the gazebo, but it looked a little more special than the last time we were here. There were flowers around the pillars and rose petals on the floor and string lights hung.The place looked really beautiful.I was too busy admiring the place, that I didn't notice Jas holding out his hand and asking me to dance.We slow danced for a while, content, feeling like the only two souls in the world.I looked into his eyes and saw the lights reflecting in his and most evidently I saw my own reflection in his eyes which probably made me smile like a lovestruck fool.He noticed and grinned, asking "What?".All I could say was "I love you so much.. ".He smiled and kissed my forehead whispering,"I have never felt love like this, I love you so damn much.. ".He twirls me and pulls me into him.I chuckle as he twirls me once again. Eyes still closed from my giggles. I turned towards Jas to see that now he was on one knee with a beautiful ring in between his fingertips.

 I turned towards Jas to see that now he was on one knee with a beautiful ring in between his fingertips

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My heart leaped out of
my chest, my hands came up to my face and I felt my eyes becoming watery.His gaze was filled with love as he looked at me.He finally started speaking,his voice expresses that he's nervous, "Y/n...,my love,From the moment I saw you, I have fallen in love with you.When I was in my dark times, I wondered if I even had a purpose to exist, but, then I met you and I have never been more glad of myself for not giving up.I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.If I know what love is, it is because of you.You make me happy, you complete me.Y/n,Will you marry me?"
I could not help the tears from escaping my eyes,I finally spoke, voice breaking due to my happy sobs, "Yes!Yes!".My heart was beating so fast and I found myself in unexplained feeling of joy and love for him,my one true love.He put the ring into my finger and I pulled him up to kiss me.The kiss was passionate and warmed my whole soul. He broke the kiss to look into my eyes with a happy grin. he still had his hands around my waist while I held onto his shoulders and the back of his neck. "Dance with me a little longer... " I requested as he shifted a little. "How can I deny my fiance?" He said and pulled me closer to dance, I leaned my head on his chest as I held onto him.I couldn't be more happier I thought to myself. Even when he knew that I didn't want to be a vampire and even if there's no chance I could turn into one, he chose to spend the rest of his life with me."Y'know, the ring you're wearing, was my mother's... "I looked up at him,"Tell me about her.. " I said smiling.I wished to get to know his family like any normal girl would. ".. Well she was a really strong woman, you remind me of her,she was stubborn and loving just like you.." I chuckled at him.He wiped my tear stained cheeks and continued"..and when I went to war, she placed the ring in my hand and said,'to remember me by' with a glint in her eye.She expected me to pass on the ring to my family and the next.. "He paused, like he was remembering what he is."But, now I that have found someone to share it with...Even if I am a part of the Cullen family, I never really spent much time with them and well then there was you.. You helped me see the good in everyone and pushed me to be a better man.I love you now and I still know that I'll love you more the next second... "He said and looked into my eyes. I tiptoed and kissed him.He pulled me closer and whispered an almost silent, "I love you..".We smiled to each other, closing our eyes and living in this beautiful moment.

We walked together, hand in hand to my home.As soon as we went in my mom squealed with happiness. I knew at that exact moment that she already knew this was going to happen and that's why she was crying earlier before we left.She rushed towards me and hugged me before holding my hand out to see the ring."It's so beautiful, I'm so happy!!"she said and hugged me tight.I glanced over at Jasper to see him looking down and smiling, while my father was holding a conversation.He probably asked him for permission, like the gentleman he is,I thought to myself.I knew the next days, for the rest of our lives will be the most memorable and happiest moments of our lives.I wonder how the pack and the rest of my friends will react to this...

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