Chapter XIX

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The Volturi

Y/n's pov,

After almost spending a whole day in our little gift of a house, we returned to the Cullen's.Emmett's smirk warned us of a comment about our "alone time" but, we could not even escape as he said,"Done already?".Shutting my eyes and walking out of the room as fast as I can, I went to see Mom.Jas kissed me before he left to hunt and telling me about how Rose and Emmett spent almost a week in the house and how he intended to break that record with me.
Alice held her in her arms as I enter.She passed her into my arms and it was now that I noticed the little specks of brown in her irises and how softly she smiled.She held out her hand and held my finger around her little palm.I suddenly saw myself weak and sweaty and on the bed I lost my human life.For a moment,I was puzzled."She's gifted"Alice said, clearly from my expression."She can show you memories, for now.."she continued.I let out a gasp.I was scared as I was uncertain of her being.Is she a human, vampire or werewolf?My thoughts interrupted as she let out an adorable giggle.I spent most of that afternoon with her as Jasper returned and claimed that she showed memories to him on the day before I woke up.
Ellie.Our Ellie.He whispered for a moment."You know, Carlisle started wondering about what she is? Human, Vampire or Werewolf, before you woke up?"he asked."I think she's a tribrid.All of us and she's also our daughter.."he said and yet again he knew what I had in my mind, moments ago.
I now realised that I was only wolf and vampire, the human part of me not biologically there.
A few days went by, and Ellie had already grown, a little too fast compared to a normal human and that made us worried. Carlisle promised to look into it.But, he could not guarantee an exact outcome of how she is aging.A few months went by in the blink of am eye and she was now almost looking like a six year old.Being a vampire meant not feeling the passage of time.But, when time includes her, I don't want it to pass by so fast.I was beaming at our child playing with Edward and Alice outside in the garden. She is kind of like her uncle Edward I thought.I felt hands on my shoulder and even though he couldn't read minds I knew he knew exactly what I was thinking. He kissed my temple and I tried my best not to worry for now.
A while later, while Alice was returning from her meal,she threw the vase in her hands, shattering into a million pieces, startling us all.The silence felt too long, before she spoke out, "They're coming, The Volturi, I-I think they want to know what she is and they're coming with an army..".Even though my heart wasn't beating it felt like my heart dropped to the center of the earth.I looked at Carlisle, worry evident in my face,"What do we do now?"I asked. I thought he didn't want to answer it when he spoke."I know some people,they'll stand with us.. I'll ask them to."."I'll ask my dad to gather the pack too."I said nodding my head.
As the days passed, Carlisle did as he promised, and there were people coming from different areas of the world and they wanted to support us when they arrived.They were amazed by Ellie's  power to show memories.
A few days later, we were shocked when we found out that Alice and Edward had left us to "find an answer" as she described in the letter I found in my "most-read" book.
The vampires who arrived had powers, all unique to their own and it put some faith in me, that we may actually able to convince the Volturi to live in peace.Benjamin had elemental powers while the Denali coven had powers I didn't even imagine.Zafrina could make someone see what she wanted them to see.They were all so cool and I thought about what would be my power if I could have one.
The pack joined us too transforming into their true selves and testing their strength once in a while. I missed them, I missed them all and how we used to be. It was good having them here now.
Time had passed and it was finally the day they were expected to arrive. Ellie was alone in a tent when I saw her sad and droopy face.I went in knowing that this may be the last time I see her, my daughter.I held her tight and gave her the necklace that Jas had gifted me.Ellie starts crying and I really wish I could end this stupid war and the separation that comes with it. I left Ellie a letter and met up with someone who'll ensure that her future's taken care of.That was all I did. I'm still not sure how I'll be able to live without her.But there was no other choice.

Jasper's pov,

I stood looking into the tent once in a while standing beside Carlisle."I'm really grateful to you, Carlisle.All that you've ever done for us.Thank you."I said, looking at the little army we gathered to prove that Ellie is just a child and not harm to any kind.Carlisle pat his hand on my shoulder and said, "You're my family, that's what families do.".I smiled, a weak attempt.I excuse myself and walk into the tent, dreading the thought that this may be the last time we would ever be together.I embraced them and tried to give them all the love I could in that one little moment.But, that would never feel enough for me, not even this immortal life that I have could be enough to show how much I love them. I hope tomorrow turns out to be lucky for us.

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