Chapter X

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The Vows

Y/n's pov,

I was taking a very giant leap in my life and I couldn't be more happier.
I was drowned in his gaze that I didn't even notice the officiant standing next to us.His voice broke us from our own moment."Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Jasper Hale and Y/n Uley."He turned to Jasper,
"Please, repeat after me...

"I, Jasper Hale"

'I, Jasper Hale'

"Take you, Y/n Uley"

'Take you, Y/n Uley'

The way he said the words,it seemed like he was whispering it only to me.Like I am only person he sees and feels.I could feel only him.His voice continued,

'To have and to hold...'

It wasn't long before my voice followed...

'For better, for worse'

'For richer, for poorer'

'In sickness and in health'

'To love'

'To cherish as long as we both shall live'

'I do'

'I do'

We leaned in, ready to lose ourselves in each other. Lips just a hair's breadth away, he whispered, "I love you".He gazed into my glossy eyes as I whispered back,"I love you..".Our lips met and we dissolved into a world of our own unbridled passion.The only thing I feel is him.
He pulled me into the dance floor and started slow dancing with me.It was the first song we ever danced to and it felt just as special.
The reception was going smoothly so far.Esme gestured us to the Denali coven.They were all beautiful women with a slightly older man standing by one of the women."We've heard so much about you... Kate" a woman with long, straight blonde hair said.I smiled at them."Welcome to the family"the man said approaching us."Thank you"was all I could say.They were all so stunningly beautiful."Eleazer and Carmen" Jas said.They are the head of the denali coven,my thoughts raised."Irina, come meet Y/n"Carmen said to a woman standing a few feet away, surrounded by strikingly similar ladies.But,she seemed distracted.I followed her gaze that landed on Billy.She walked briskly over to us and said," I can't do this."."You promised"the other woman protested."They invited one."she was referring to Billy."Irina,he's our friend"Jasper cut on the conversation."They killed him.."she spat."I thought that was in the past"he said in a serious tone."He wanted to be like us. To live in peace with humans, with me.What did he ever do to them?!"her tone raised a little."Look.. I'm sorry-"Jasper tried to console her but she walked away.Carmen called out, "Irina!" but she paid no mind."Sorry"the woman who didn't introduce herself said and went away."That's Tanya"Jasper answered my thoughts audibly."There's always drama.."he said with a sigh as we walked away.
It was time for the toasts and surprisingly dad was the first one to go."Jasper will be a good husband. I know this because...because I'm an alpha, I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth."he joked but his expression was serious.I rolled my eyes at my dad's protectiveness.Jasper squeezed my hands as he chuckled nervously.

Alice speech was all about my aversion to fashion and how it should change because now she's officially my sister

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Alice speech was all about my aversion to fashion and how it should change because now she's officially my sister.I smile and roll my eyes at her.Emmett was next,"I'd like to propose a toast, to my new sister."

"Y/n, I hope you've got enough sleep these last eighteen years, cause you won't be getting anymore for a while

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"Y/n, I hope you've got enough sleep these last eighteen years, cause you won't be getting anymore for a while."I could not believe he just said that.I look at Jasper to see him loosening his tie while my father had a concerned expression on his face.Esme approached the stage with a champagne flute,"I'd like to thank,Emily and Sam for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives. We will cherish and protect her forever."she said with a sweet smile.

Jasper stood to get upto the stage

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Jasper stood to get upto the stage.He looked right at me and gave a smile."It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Y/n,I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever.".I felt my face heating up.He finally seemed free, from his past and I couldn't be more proud of him.After almost everyone spoke.It was my turn.I had little time to practice but I hope this goes well.I looked towards Seth who was sitting by the piano ready to play.Alice helped put Edward's piano by the aisle to aid my surprise for him.I spoke into the microphone,"This is a little surprise for Jasper."I looked at him.

"I've been working on a new piece of music for a while now and somehow I got stuck

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"I've been working on a new piece of music for a while now and somehow I got stuck.And, one night I found myself walking towards the beach where I heard a bird's voice and a few seconds later a whale howling in the deep of the sea.With my newfound ability I found that they were in love and could only communicate with each other through their voices...and of course they could never be together.One belonged to the sky while the other on the sea.What inspired me was their love never faded despite their vast differences.So, this piece was inspired by them and I would like to dedicate it to my love...Music is the best way to say how much I love you..."
*Cue the music*
And I placed the guitar and started playing and adding my voice a little,here and there,remembering the night I witnessed the creatures' love.The music seemed to put me at ease just like being with Jasper was always comfortable, he's my safe place, my home.My heart soars as the music thrums through me.I opened my eyes to see them all smiling at me before breaking into a hearty applause.I see Jasper approaching me as I was placing my instrument down.He sweeped me into a passionate kiss lifting me off my feet."That was utterly beautiful, love... Just like my wife.."I kissed him tenderly, my eyes watering at the joy of loving him for the rest of my life...

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [Book-II]Where stories live. Discover now