Chapter V

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Y/n's pov

The baseball match was so much fun, watching supernatural foes get along even between the rivalry of the game made me realise that the prophecy really is strong.I traced my hand over my tattoo getting up from my bed.I went downstairs humming to a made-up tune by me.I walked over to the fridge to get some water when the back door opened and Quil rushed in.I looked over at him,while he was trying to breathe,"What is it?!"I asked curiosity getting the better of me."A..bear..a huge one...Seth..."he tried to get words out but I understood immediately.I ran out the door, transforming myself with Quil trailing behind.Quil finally caught up leading me to the place of danger.My eyes caught the attention of the noticeably little wolf and the large bear.He must have been passing through when the bear attacked.I rushed into the fight, blocking Seth from the blow the bear was putting out.

I growled at him from the animalistic instinct deep within me.I howled trying to call the rest of the pack to tame him so that we wouldn't have to kill him.Since,the day of my bond with the nature and its creations,I found myself not wanting to hurt anything.I wanted to let him go,rather than hurt him.But,the bear took advantage of my loneliness as Seth ran away to safety at my command,as he was terribly hurt with a huge wound forming across his torso.I tried to block his blows as much as I can, but each time I lost control of my beastly side,I found myself getting hurt for hurting it.I wanted the rest of the pack to arrive as soon as possible,and I turned around to look if anyone was approaching, but none came into sight.I resumed to look at the bear,as it stood on its hind legs and attacked my upper arm with three huge cuts from his claws.Before I could react, Carlisle and Jasper rushed in killing the bear by crushing his neck and it fell to the ground with a loud thump.Jasper didn't seem to care about the bear and rushed to my side,trying to hold me up."Hey,Hey stay with me.."he said holding me up with a firm grip on my waist.Carlisle made his way over to me examining the wound saying,"I need to dress the wound, let's take her home".Jasper nodded and picks me up bridal style, trying not to be overwhelmed by the blood and hurting me with every movement.I was already feeling lightheaded from the pain when I felt myself leaning into Jasper's shoulder as Carlisle rushed to find what I assumed must be a first aid kit.I opened my eyes to see Carlisle bracing my arm and dabbing a cotton ball with a burning liquid.I winced shutting my eyes and pressing my head into Jasper's shoulder,"I'm right here...shh"he said and kissed the top of my head, running his fingers through my hair.His presence made me forget all my worries.As Carlisle was wrapping a cotton gauze on my arm,I heard footsteps approaching and soon realised that it was Emmett."The bear's taken care of.."he continued plopping onto the opposite seat,"You were a real badass to fight that thing..."he said popping his forefinger at me.I didn't even notice Rosalie's presence until she said,"Huh,A little stupid if you ask me!"and left the room, a gush of wind following a path after her.I felt a pang of disappointment at her words and everyone seemed to notice it,"Hey, don't mind her.."Emmett said Carlisle and Emmett left the room to give us some privacy."I'm so glad you're alright"he said, kissing my forehead."You ain't getting rid of me, cowboy"he giggled and kissed me, but I knew he was trying to tell me something.His eyes trailed towards Rosalie standing in the balcony.I needed to know why I was bothering her and it was about time she confess that.He left the room with a nod and I nervously made my way towards the balcony.I took a deep breath and said,"Okay. Rosalie, I don't understand what I did to make you hate me so much".She just turned her head not even completely looking at me but I took some steps towards her as she said,"I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you, but...y/n I envy you".

I let out a surprised chuckle,"Is this a joke?!A vampire envying a werewolf?! That's ridiculous!"I thought to myself but I hadn't realised the fact that I said it out loud.She looked at me as if she was taking me in for the first time and I felt self-conscious clutching my hurt arm.
"No, it's not. You have a choice. I didn't, none of us did, but you do and you're choosing wrong. I don't care how miserable your human or werewolf life is"she said."My life is not miserable. It's not perfect,I mean nobody's life is perfect"I said,aware of the fact that I didn't get to meet my birth parents."Mine was. Absolutely perfect. There were things I still wanted. To be married with a nice house and a husband who kissed me when he came home. A family of my own"she said in a much...softer voice.It was like she was showing me a part of her life."Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town, I barely knew him. But I was young, I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life I left a friend's house late, I wasn't far from home...and he...."she pauses clearly disturbed by her past.I put a hand on hers which was resting on the edge."They left me in the street thinking I was dead, believe me I wanted to be. Carlisle found me, he smelled all the blood, and he was helping me.."she spoke out."I'm sorry"I said, breathing out.She turned to face me completely and said,"I got my revenge on them, one at a time. Saved Royce for last so he would know I was coming. I was a little theatrical back then"she said with a glint in her eye.

"Things got better after I met Emmett, but we'll always be this, frozen, never moving forward. That's what I miss the most, possibilities, sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett grey haired by my side surrounded by our grandchildren, their laughter...Y/n, not only do I envy you... I'm kind of looking out for you,in a way.."she said after a brief pause.Despite her past actions towards me,I felt really bad for her.Her eyes showed desperate longing to the life she described.For a moment,I wished her to have a human life just like she wanted."I appreciate you looking out for me but there's nothing I'm ever gonna want more than Jasper for all my human life.."I said.She looked at me as if questioning whether I was speaking the truth."So, you don't want to turn into.."she said implying her own species."No,I don't think there's a possibility of that and even if there is I would not want to... Jasper and I both agreed about this and it's fine with both of us"I said.She smiled at me for the first time,she looked really beautiful."I didn't think you were so.... sensible"she said and I didn't know whether to smile or take it as an insult.She felt my uncomfortable state and said,"Let's put our past behind us and start over, shall we?"she said holding out her hand.I shook it cautiously.Maybe we'll get along, eventually...

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