Chapter XV

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Strong souls

Y/n's pov,

Seth.For a few moments my head buzzed but nothing.I think he was trying to communicate with me but I could not receive the message whatever it was.Rosalie stood blocking my view and possibly his.
He moved closer but Rosalie spoke up, "Close enough."." Please-" he started to speak but I interrupted him,"Rose, it's okay.".She hesitantly moved aside and let him approach. I motioned for him to sit on the nearby chair as I leaned onto the arm of the couch."You look terrible".I smiled not finding the energy to laugh and said,"It's nice to see you too".Even though I could not read his mind, I could see his expression, through my tired eyes."I know, I look terrible"I said smiling weakly.He stared at me worry evident in his eyes, " You don't have to do this...".Here we go again, I thought to myself, I was extremely tired of hearing those words for the past few weeks.I begin to tear up and immediately looking down,not even focussing on what he had been saying."I'm alright and I will make it through this!!"I wanted to tell, but all that came out was a set of shivering words.His face showed instant regret and he rushed to Jasper standing in the utmost corner of the room."You did this to her!!"he raised his voice getting closer to Jasper.He was not the little student anymore nor the little teen who played the piano at my wedding."Don't touch him!"I said with the little energy left in me, and was surprised that he heard me.He abruptly stopped even though Emmett had moved to stop him,and turned to me.With one last pitiful look,he left the same way he arrived.I just wanted everyone to understand me. I felt so alone and the only person getting me through this was my growing miracle child.Later,Carlisle approached me with a cup of fresh blood and I almost gagged at the sight.But I needed to.I felt a little strength slipping into me as I sipped less than I could have.
Days had passed and my parents or anyone from the pack had not interacted with me or anyone else.As I sat there, alone, I saw Jasper near the entrance of the large room.This was the first time he approached after our fight last week."He slowly walked towards me and kneeled before me."I'm sorry.. I've been so angry"he said.I stroked his hair,"I would be, too"."Well, they say the first year is the hardest"I said but he seemed distracted."What.."he trailed off.I looked at him puzzled."I feel someone else's feelings.They are happy and loving..."He placed his hands on my belly and chuckled happily for the first time in a long time."Aww, I love you too bub.."I say quietly hoping he can hear me. I've always wanted a son like Jas."The baby... My child.."he whispered it like he could not believe it.
We had apologized to each other and I realised that I could never lose him either.This thought of losing him terrified me.I was laying down in his lap as he played with my hair.I had strange dreams almost every time I slept.Sometimes, it showed me my own death and other times I see unfamiliar faces of vampires and werewolves in the forest.I almost could not sleep at certain times.But, he would be there for me the minute I woke up rapidly in the middle of the night.It was almost like the dreams were trying to tell me something.
I wanted to talk about this but I thought it was nothing to worry about.I saw myself getting skinnier even with the blood diet Carlisle put me on.I wondered how things were going on in the pack and I hope they keep the peace even if something happens to me.Mom called a few times,out of sight from dad and she broke into tears everytime she talked to me.She told me to take care of myself and not to give up.My mom could only call me when things were getting difficult at home.She decided to stay with grandma for a few days and she was able to call me frequently.I saw Grandma looking tired and weary, like time catching up with the her but her smile proved that she believed in me much more than the rest of my family."Your grandchild is going to be beautiful"she whispered to my mother who was by her side holding the phone in her view.It made me chuckle.I knew her days were numbered and I wanted to hug her and embrace her one last time but I knew I could not go, not in this state.Instead I tried to remember the time I spent with her in my childhood.
Eventually, I looked through the blank pages of the book which had little details on the prophecy.I could not decipher what it meant.The uncertainty of tomorrow seemed to scare me for the first time.I sensed someone behind me.Rosalie approached me. I've wanted to talk to her and thank her for all that she has done for me and for being the only person who stuck with me this entire crazy time.I can trust her with my child as I saw her longing to become a mother whenever she used to spend time with me.She sat beside me reading a book as I thought about what I wanted to say.I gently called her name and she swiftly turned towards me,"I want to say something to you.."I said, my voice tired.She nodded and I continued "Please take care of my child....if I don't make it", tears already pooling in my eyes at the possibility of what I said.She sat closer to me, gently holding my hand as she confidently trusted in me that I would make it.I asked her to promise and she promised me even if that possibily had the slightest chance of happening...She immediately comforted me by browsing for baby names..

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