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Adonis's POV

I had left home later than usual this morning because I was having brunch with Lily's parents and her brother to ask for their approval to propose to Lily. Lily had been at photoshoots all week so she was tored and still sleeping even though it was eleven. She had been working hard and she was so happy that from Friday till after Christmas she was completely free of work. She had told me last night that all she had to do was some Instagram post advertisements.

I was proposing tonight when she thought we were just having a date. The idea was the proposal then a celebration with her closest friends even though they had been a strain lately I know she would want them to be there. If they caused a problem Kiara and Kieran were coming too so I'm confident she will have Kiara to celebrate with and I know she will make sure that Lily has an amazing night. I was going to warn the people invited to try and avoid any drama.

I had gotten Kiara to design Lily's dream house, she had even provided the construction team, ground tean and done the interior designing since her company did that. Lily had told Kiara every single thing that she wanted and how she wanted it and Kiara said she had managed to produce her dream and added a few extras just because it was Lily. All I had to do was go and take a look once in awhile, we had been secretly building the house since we met at the bake sale but she had no idea I was proposing she just thought it was a surprise. Kiara had really made sure that she had the best and most efficient construction team, ground architect and team and she had done the interior design herself but she hadn't got to see the house in person yet.

There was no one who knew I was proposing today and even at the breakfast I wasn't going to tell them when I would be doing it. I had hinted to my parents that it was coming and they had been thrilled and tried to get the date out of me but I stood my ground. I really needed to tell someone so I would have someone to talk to because my nerves were absorbing me whole. I picked up my phone and found myself automatically calling Kieran. I was really happy that Kieran was more stable now because I did miss one of my best buds when he was always travelling.

He answered and it sounded like he was in a car and he said ,'Hey mate. '

I took a deep breathe and said, 'Hey man, I'm proposing tonight, don't forget dinner tonight.'

He cut in before I could play it off and he said, 'Whoa man slow down, you are proposing today?'

I took another deep breathe and said, 'I am and I'm kind of freaking out, please don't make me more nervous.'

He chuckled probably about to tease me which he did and said, 'I can't believe you're this nervous, an arrogant prick like you.'

I chuckled nervously because I was so very much nervous and I decided to make him edgy like he did for me and I said ,'Just wait until it's you and I guarantee you that's soon.'

Every time I talked about marriage to Kieran he turned nervous. I wasn't quite sure why yet but we had been talking about marriage and proposing quite a bit. I was going to find out why he tenses up when he talks about marriage but we talked about it a lot.

He chuckled and I said ,'The proposal is happening then you guys will be there to celebrate with us and yeah.'

He hummed and then excitedly said, 'Yeah thanks for having us there man on your big day and everything. Are you going to tell me  how are you proposing?'

I took another deep breathe and said ,'Actually your girlfriend designed a house, Lily's dream house and it's beautiful and it's been built and designed to perfection. Kiara even did the interior designing according to what Lily had told her and I'm proposing somewhere in our garden and you guys will be in the house. When we are done we will come and we can all slcelebrate and have dinner all together.

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