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Lily's POV

Adonis and I had been hugging and swaying for a bit now then he whispered ,'There's more.'

I looked up at him and he took my hand and we started walking back towards where I came from. All the tables and notepads and polaroids were gone and the letter that I had left on the table too. He chuckled and said ,'Don't worry they've been packed away so nothing happens to them.'

I nodded and we continued on our way and got onto the golf cart. I put my head on his shoulder, looked at the ring and said ,'I can't believe what just happened. '

He looked down at me with a smile and said ,'I can't believe you said yes.'

I smiled and said ,'There is no way you thought I was going to say no.'

He looked down at me for a second and said ,'I really did, I was so nervous. I don't know if I've ever been so nervous in my life. '
We got to the house and through the glass doors that led into our backyard I could see my friends interacting in the house. I turned to Adonis and I said ,'Baby, you didn't have to do all this seriously.'

He shrugged and said ,'I wanted to, I wanted us to celebrate. '

I gave him a kiss and I could hear the guys hollering so I shyly stopped the kiss and turned to look towards the doors where everyone was coming out of. Nicole shouted ,'Well don't stop because of us.'

I chuckled at her and I could hear laughing. I stepped off the cart and I put my hand up showing my ring and pointing at my ring as I walked towards our friends. I could hear Adonis laughing behind me and I turned back and gave him a huge warm smile. We all met in the middle and now it was just a messy moment of screaming and showing off the ring and the guys teasing and taunting Adonis and I.

I had now hugged almost everyone but I had hardly a conversation with everyone because of all the excitement right there. We had moved the party inside and I was with Adonis and we were getting a drink at the bar. He was playing with my fingers and he said ,'Now we need to walk around and talk to everyone then the dinner after we finish,' and I nodded while looking up at him.

I looked around and I could see videographers filming the event and photographers taking pictures and people were posing for pictures. We got our drinks and he said ,'Okay let's get to it.'

We started off with Kendall and Rebecca who were sitting on some of the seats and we took seats opposite them. Rebecca did a low volume scream and said ,'Look at you two.'

I smiled and Kendall said ,'I can't believe my baby sister is engaged. '

We all chuckled and Rebecca was looking at my ring quite closely. I had my hand in her hand and she was really looking at the ring. She stopped and said ,'This ring is absolutely gorgeous. I mean this pearl is so unique and this diamond with the blue and green colours.'

I sighed and started staring at the ring with Rebecca and said ,'I know right.'

Rebecca looked up and said ,'Then this house as well, this is impressive well done Adonis.'

Adonis smiled and said ,'Thank you very much I try. '

I looked at Kendall who was watching Rebecca and I and I said ,'Guess who did the house?'

He furrowed his eyebrows and said ,'Who?'

I put my hands together and said ,'Kiara Dempsey like the Kiara Dempsey.'

Kendall looked shook and said ,'You are so lucky, mum and dad are going to be so jealous.'

I laughed and Rebecca said ,'Not just your mum and dad I'm jealous. I met her she is so such a sweetheart I wouldn't have expected it.'

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