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Lily's POV

Lily's outfit for her day

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Lily's outfit for her day

I planned on telling Adonis yesterday when he got home that we were pregnant but he was having a bad day. First off he got home late and he was in a pissy mood and I didn't want this to be the energy when I told him. I didn't blame him for his mood because he had to do everything himself to fix the error that had been made but I had decided against doing it that night anyway.

I had washed the tests and put them in the bathroom on display so when Adonis walked in he would see them. I had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room and when I had seen his mood and he had a tough day I ran upstairs and hid the tests. Adonis had probably sensed I was jumpy because I greeted him and I immediately ran up the stairs to our master bedroom to hide the tests then came back down to keep him company as he had dinner. This morning as well I slept in so I felt a peck and a whisper of I love you.

I had just woken up and got ready for lunch with Kiara. When I told her I wasn't doing it last night, she got on a plane and she landed really early at seven this morning. We were going for a late ish lunch and I was just appreciative that I had called Kiara. Kiara claimed that it was because she was lonely because Kieran was away on a business trip but I know she just wanted to be here for me and I was so thankful.

I made my way downstairs and I walked into the kitchen where Mrs Camry was sitting having a cup of tea. I smiled and said, 'Morning Mrs Camry.'

She poured me the tea she was having and slid me the tea cup, she narrowed my eyes at him and said, 'You are glowing honey.'

I smiled sweetly and said, 'Well thank you Mrs Camry, I feel very honoured.'

She laughed and I gave her a side hug, we had a cute little conversation having tea and now I was leaving. I gave her a hug and Mrs Camry said, 'Please greet Miss Kiara for me.'

I hummed and left making my way to Kiara's penthouse that is here. She said she was waiting for me in the lobby so I just had to pull up and we would be on our way. I pulled up and saw Kiara walking up and she got into the car. She smiled and said, 'Wow Kiara, you know you are actually glowing this pregnancy glow thing is real.'

I chuckled and I started the car, we had lunch and were now walking around having some frozen yoghurt I made her buy and she said, 'Uhm how about sky writing?'

I shook my head, laughed and said, 'I still want it private Kiara.'

She shrugged and said, 'It could be in your backyard.'

I laughed and we made our way around a corner and she said, 'I'm still shocked like you are having a baby.'

We shared a side hug and I said, 'It's unreal, thank you for being here for me.'

She shrugged and said, 'Always.'

We hooked arms and I said, 'Okay we need to keep brainstorming.'

The rest of the day had ended up being us shopping but for shoes and jewellery. We had wanted to shop for baby clothes and maternity clothes but at some point paparazzi started following us so we couldn't or they would figure it out. I found myself absentmindedly rubbing my stomach as I was driving home from dropping off Kiara at her penthouse. I had invited her for dinner but she was flying back in like an hour so she couldn't come.

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