C H A P T E R 2

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Lily's POV

Tomorrow was the day of the ball and so for the past few days I had been with the team setting up for it. Our plan was to finish setting up today and tomorrow we will come in to make sure everything was up to the high standard it should be. Tomorrow was also Adonis and I's first appearance in public together and I felt more nervous for this because I had planned everything down  to the last minute for the ball but with Adonis and I it could literally go any direction. Another thing was that Damien and Emily were both invited and I know it had been four weeks but I hadn't seen either of them since the situation happened.

I am going around making sure that everything that had been put somewhere was in the correct place. I see my assistant Jenny coming towards me and I stand waiting for her and she hands me a smoothie and I say ,'Jenny thank you so much, how'd you know?'

She smiled and said ,'When do I not,' and we both laughed at that.

We have finished everything to do with the setting up of the Charity Ball and I had a spa appointment with Jane which Ben had got for us. Ben always treated us to stuff like this, he would call our assistants and say he booked us a spa appointment at the time he would've booked it and where we wpuld have booked it. The first few times he did it we had really not wanted him to amd we fought but he didn't stop so now it was just a thing in our friendship. Ben was the tupe of person who had never been tight with his money but he was super responsible with it, he had shares in a Tech Company and a Restaurant Company and a really big trustfund so besides his salary from football he had lots of money coming in.

I drove to the spa and saw that Jane was already there on her phone. I walked towards her with a smile I always missed my best friends but they were busy and sometimes I was busy. We hugged and went towards the desk where they greeted us. They led is to the back and we changed into pur robes and walked to the massaging tables and Jane asked in a very suggestive tone,'So have you talked to your boyfriend?'

I rolled my eyes and said ,'No I've been busy and he is always busy so I'll see him tomorrow evening.'

'You're so nervous, aren't you?' Jane asked laughing at me.

My mouth opened and I said ,'Am not.' Even though I'm a tense about the whole thing.'

Jane kept laughing and said ,'You so are and those two will be there. Am I right?'

I turned to look at her and said ,'Yeah they are and to be completely honest with you I don't know if they are coming together or not. But if they are I don't think I'm ready to see it. It really hurt we have been friends with Emily forever and I just couldn't believe she would do this. I mean you know when I caught them she didn't say a word to me.'

Jane looked at me with worry and said ,'I'm really sorry bubs.'

I was about to reply but the masseuses came in and introduced themselves and got started. Somewhere during the time of the massage I fell asleep because this guy was good and looking at the look on Jane's face she slept too.

We moved through the stations and this time we talked about happy topics only. We took at selfie whilst we were having our mud facials done and sent it to Ben who put it on his instagram story. Girls fans had got used to us because they knew we were his best friends well at least I was. I have always thought Jane and Ben had a thing for each other but for some unheard of reason they never acted on it and as a result they dated other people but it never seemed to last and I know it's because they are meant to be and maybe that'll be my mission for the some time and see if I can help it.

We were sitting in tubs of mud and I decided to get started and turned to Jane and said ,'How's Ben?'

She started choking on her champagne amd then she calmed down and said ,'Weren't you just talking to him.'

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