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Lily's POV

Adonis had left early this morning for work. I had been sleeping when he left but I do slightly remember a peck and some I love yous being said before he left. For the past two weeks it had been nonstop work for me, I had been in multiple different timezones which is why I had been exhausted lately. After the amount of sleep I had today I felt like I had finally recovered so I could start not being lazy again.

I was going to go and pick Kiara up from the hotel and we were going to hang out today. The guys were going to the Los Angeles Chargers building place to do an inspection or something so we had decided we were going to do something as well. We had chosen to go to The Broad and go for lunch. One thing Kiara and I had in common was that Adonis and Kieran were very cultured and us not so much so we were going to attempt to be cultured by going to look at art. I was cultured in fashion well sort of and Kiara was cultured in all things Architecture.

Lily's outfit for her and Kiara's day out in LA

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Lily's outfit for her and Kiara's day out in LA

I was going to go and pick Kiara up from the hotel then we were going to just hang out. I had considered texting Nicole and Jane to come along and Kiara had been open to the idea but when it came time to text them I couldn't bring myself to do it. Everything was calm in my life right now, I guess you could say I was running away from the conflict between Nicole, Jane and I and it was going to blow up sooner or later.

First we were going to have lunch at Nobu then we would embark on our cultural journey. Art was a first step on my cultural growth because Adonis could tell you about different countries histories, architecture, food, wine, music, dance and sculptures and well I could sort of hold up conversations but not like him so I was going to try. I was very very educated when it came to fashion and modern architecture but that was about it. The reason for my education in modern architecture was because I was always thinking of my future home so I did research.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Mr and Mrs Camry seemed to be having a cups of tea. I smiled and said ,'Morning you guys.'

They smiled and I couldn't help but notice how tired they looked. I took a seat opposite them on kitchen breakfast bar where they had put a cleansing juice for me. They had known I was going for a big lunch so I had asked if I could not have any breakfast and they had made me a juice. I took a sip of the juice and said, 'Should I ask why you guys look so tired?'

Mrs Camry looked up and said ,'My daughter left my grandson at our house to spend Christmas and New Year here with in LA last night and he doesn't sleep. Do you know he had baseball day camp today and was up early even after sleeping extra late last night?'

I chuckled and Mr Camry said, 'No it's ridiculous. Where is he getting all this energy from?'

I thought for a bit and said, 'Since Anneliese is at her friend's house for a sleepover, Adonis is at work and I'm about to go out, how about you guys head home and rest before the little monster comes back. You'll need it besides being here will be wasting your time.'

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