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Lily's POV

Two Months After the Situation

For the past two months I had been super busy planning the Charity Ball that was in a week. It was the first Charity Ball that I had had planned without any help from my mum and I wanted to show her I took the charity serious enough for her to trust me to be in charge of it.

I had everything planned to the T. I had the decorations ordered, invitations sent out, I had hired a very highly dependable catering company and now we were going to set up the day of the Charity Ball. This ball was raising proceeds for UNICEF, Hart Coorporations had been a sponsor for UNICEF for as long as she could remember and this ball was specifically for that. For fundraising there was auctioning of jewellery and all proceeds made were for UNICEF.

In the past two months I had tried to keep as busy as possible she didn't really want to think about the whole Damien and Emily thing. I had deleted posts of Emily and I or Damien and I off of any of my social media accounts. I had planned on just doing this quietly but I was highly followed on social media and when people noticed this they started asking questions amd so I had my publicist write a statement, in the statement it didn't say anything about cheating it just said we had decided to go our seperate ways. I realised that Damien was a public figure and the backlash he would receive was not necessary and I didn't want to be the reason for the backlash. The response from both our fanbases were understanding.

When I had told my parents and my older brother Kendall they had been furious. I played it down to them and somehow convinced them that it was okay and I was okay. My best friends Jane and Noah weren't as kind about it and made it clear that when they saw any of them Emily or Damien it meant war.

Today I had lunch with my parents and I think my mother had said their friends. I wasn't too sure why I had to go lunch with them and their friends but my mother hadn't given me any space to argue about it. I was sitting in my office in my penthouse and I was working out numbers for some of the charity events that were coming up. I had a masters finance degree and a masters marketing degree, it was something I had ways been interested in and something that came in handy with the charity work.

I finished and went to get ready for the lunch. I put on very light makeup and didn't dress very formally because after lunch I was going shopping with Jane just for a little retail therapy.

Lily's Outfit

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Lily's Outfit

I got to the restaurant and gave the valet my car keys and walked into the restaurant. I walked towards the maître d and said Mr Hart and he nodded and motioned for me to follow him. We were at my father's favorite Italian restaurant.

The maître d took me to a private room and I stepped in and say my mum first and she stood up as she saw me. I smiled and walked towards her she was grinning like a cheshire cat and said ,'Hi baby, you look amazing, oh my.'

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