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Adonis's POV

Adonis's outfit for the day

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Adonis's outfit for the day

There was a knock on my office door and I looked up and said ,'Come in.'

Norman walked in and said ,'Good morning sir, you have no meetings today except the meeting with Mr Hammond the majority owner of Los Angeles Chargers. '

I nodded with a smirk on my face, the meeting with the owner was for none other than Damien himself. The plans was just to instill fear in him so I went for the easiest plan I didn't have time to do a lot and I needed him to not bother Rose anymore.

The plan was to buy shares and become one of the major shareholders. I don't plan on actually doing anything just to make him nervous, maybe I'll have a bit of fun with it just pop up for inspections and make him a bit nervous.

I walked into the restaurant and took a seat at the table I had reserved. A text came in from Anneliese and she was telling me how Rose was still sleeping. I was getting a bit worried about Rose because she had not woken up but I figured she was tired but now it's two in the afternoon.

I heard Mr Hammond say ,'Mister Hamilton it's an honour to be meeting with you.'

I stood up and shook Mr Hammond's hand and said ,'Thank you for meeting on such short notice. '

He shook his head and said ,'It's not a problem at all. When I heard you wanted a meeting I had to, it's you.'

I chuckled and we took a seat. We ordered our food and he said ,'So what is the meeting about? '

I took a sip of my wine and said ,'Well I wanted to offer you money for half of your Los Angeles Chargers shares.'

Mr Hammond smiled and said, 'I thought you hadn't gotten my email offering you my shares over a year ago.'

I did not remember the offer but I do remember a time period when a lot of offers came to me from several football teams. I was not aware that Los Angeles Chargers were one of them.

I nodded and said ,'I would like to buy the shares from you.'

He nodded and said ,'I would be happy with that just be in contact with my team.'

I nodded and said ,'It's a pleasure doing business with you Mr Hammond.'

He nodded and said ,'The pleasure is all mine.'

I leant back into my chair and said ,'I want to have a ball with the entire Chargers team from cleaning staff, the players to the executives.'

He nodded and I said ,'I would love for you and your family to come as well.'

He nodded and said ,'We'll be there. I'm assuming this is a confidential situation like usual.'

I nodded, we spent the rest of lunch talking about business. I got into the car and dialled Rose's number. It rung for a bit then Rose answered ,'Hey.'

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