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Lily's POV

Lily's outfit for Adonis's meeting

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Lily's outfit for Adonis's meeting

I was pacing up and down the lounge waiting for Adonis to come. I was very nervous I didn't know what type of role I was taking on at the meeting, I didn't know if I should talk as well if I'm arm candy.

Adonis has been super supportive of my career and I wanted to do the same for him. I wanted him to see that I cared about his career as well that I could be supportive that is why I decided I was going to keep it classy and cute even if Josie decided to go low. I wanted to show him I could be a wife and just be supportive and behaved.

I heard Adonis shout my name. I take deep breathes and he walks into the lounge and gives me a grin. I smiled back at him and he said, 'Well you look amazing.'

I smiled and he motioned for me to twirl, I gave him a look but I twirled regardless. Something I had picked up is that Adonis is my biggest hype man. I could just be sitting going through my phone or cooking he would just start hyping me up. He was really good for my self esteem because as much as there are a lot of people admiring my beauty because of my profession there is a lot of people who have a lot of bad things to say and unfortunately I pay too much attention to them but with Adonis I haven't really been feeling that lack of confidence but I've been more confident.

He came up to me and put his hands on my waist and said ,'You look beautiful Lily.'

A blush covered my cheeks and I said ,'Thanks Donny.'

He gave me a kiss and he was about to deepen the kiss I pushed him away and said ,'No can do baby you have a meeting.'

He pouted and said ,'Just for a little while please?'

I took his hands off my waist and held his hand and dragged him outside to his car. We got into the car and he said ,'We are not going to be early that's for sure.'

I laughed and said ,'And you wanted a quickie.'

He looked at me and said ,'I would be late just to have a quickie with you anyday.'

I gave him a smile and said ,'I might reward you when you get home tonight.'

We got to the restaurant and the valet opened the door and I stepped out. He came and took my hand and we walked into the restaurant. We got to the maitre d and they led us to the table where Josie and a man were sitting. The man was blonde and quite interestingly almost the opposite of Adonis, Adonis has a dark vibe when you don't know him this guy had a light hearted vibe and he seemed friendly.

As soon as Josie's husband noticed Adonis he stood up in a hurry and said ,'Mr Hamilton it's nice to finally meet you.'

Adonis looked at him and said ,'Mr Kingsley.'

Mr Kingsley shook Adonis's hand and said ,'Please call me Ashton.'

Ashton looked at Adonis with the expectation but Adonis just pulled out my chair and I took a seat and he sat down as well. Ashton took a second to recover and for some reason I'm shocked about Adonis's arrogance. I got comfortable and my phone pinged and I picked up and saw a text from Annabelle she said she was coming back later and she was going to a friends house. I held Adonis's upper arm and he turned to face me and his eyes softened.

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