C H A P T E R 17

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Lily's POV

I was getting ready for my date with Adonis and I had to wash my hair because that idiot threw me into the ocean.

I was getting ready for my date with Adonis and I had to wash my hair because that idiot threw me into the ocean

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Lily's outfit for her date with Adonis

I am walking down the stairs to meet Adonis and I was super nervous. I was going through my handbag because I couldn't find my lipgloss. I got to the bottom of the stairs and I was still rummaging through my bag. I groaned and looked up and Adonis was staring at me. I looked him up and down checking him out and he looked really good. His hair was styled with gel and looked super neat but there was a rogue piece of hair hanging forward of the slicked back hair.

Adonis was wearing a white short sleeved shirt with the top two buttons left open. On the bottom he was wearing grey checkered slim trousers. He finished the outfit off with a pair of white sneakers.

I finished scanning him and he was still scanning me apparently. I started walking towards him and said in a very light voice ,'Hey.'

He came and met me halfway and also in a barely there voice said ,'Hey.'

I looked into his stormy blue eyes and just melted in them. His eyes were so intense amd he was looking into my eyes as well.

I put my arms arpund his neck and said, 'Shall we get going?'

He pulled himself out of the trance we put each other in and took my hand and led me out of the door.

We got outside and I looked at him in shock because there was a car waiting on the curb that they didn't come with. I turned to look at Adonis with furrowed brows and he shrugged at me.

I looked at the car and it was a black Lamborghini Urus and it looked like the latest too. He led me to the car and as we walked towards it he said ,'Well my future wife has a house here so I thought why not buy a car.'

I blushed at him calling me his future wife and said in a teasing tone ,'Who said you're invited?'

I heard him stop walking but I kept walking with a smile on my face. I heard him jogging to catch up and he opened the passenger side for me and I felt his breathe by my neck and he whispered ,'Trust me baby, I'll be here a lot.'

I felt a shiver go down my spine and I got into the car. He closed the door and walked round to the drivers side while I sat in the car breathing hard.

He got into the car and said ,'So are you ready?'

I silently nodded, I wanted to have control tonight at least self control. I looked at Adonis from the corner of my eye and he was humming the song on the radio whilst drumming his fingers on his steering wheel with a small smile on my face. For some reason seeing him looking happier made me smile, when we are in LA he never smiles he is always straight faced and showing no emotions so seeing him like this made me happy.

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