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Lily's POV

Lily's outfit for the Charity Bake Sale

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Lily's outfit for the Charity Bake Sale

I was so annoyed right now because the women at the bake sale were well annoying. The women here were all heiresses as well but I hadn't found one I wasn't annoyed by yet. Adonis had seen his friend Kieran and gone to say hello so now I was with the ladies alone.

The bake sale was going incredibly well and the baked treats were selling quickly. It had become more of a social for very wealthy people eating baked treats whilst looking at the art. I saw Adonis walking in my direction and I smiled at him but the people coming with him seemed in a hurry.

He was walking with an attractive man and a gorgeous woman as well. They arrived at the stall and Adonis said ,'Baby someone brought some treats to sell.'

I looked at the woman and said ,'Thank you so much.'

I wanted to introduce myself but Adonis said ,'She'll be back baby she needs to find Kieran.'

I wanted to ask more but I just nodded and she walked away with the guy Adonis came with towards the doors. I looked at Adonis and said ,'Do you even know what is going on?'

Adonis shook his head, looked at the doors as well and he said ,'I have no idea but I'm sure she is the reason why Kieran was kind of in a mood. That is the first girl that Kieran has ever liked or loved and I think they are fighting or something.'

I looked at him and said ,'Really the first ever?'

Adonis nodded and came to sit with me behind the counter and said ,'Yes the first ever. When we were in university girls threw themselves at our group of friends and Kieran never kissed, had sex with or went on dates with any of the girls at all. When Ashton told me today that Kieran was in love I was so shocked.'

Adonis looked genuinely happy for his friend and I was fascinated by it. He continued and said ,'Connor, Ashton, Kieran and I we are all in love and that is something because one of us was always single and then Kieran of course was as well.'

The guy Adonis had called Ashton motioned for Adonis to come and he looked like a child on Christmas day. Adonis got up and said ,'I'll be right back baby.'

They quickly paced towards the doors and they were now staring outside. I looked down at the baked goods that the girl had brought because they were moving fast. She had brought them like ten minutes ago and there were like five pieces of dessert left, I put money for the baked goods and tasted a macaron and now it made sense. The macaron practically melted in my mouth and it was amazing. I was about to buy another one when I saw the guys approaching with the girl. The girl was stunning, she had olive skin, bouncy brunette locks and hazel eyes but they were light hazel.

They got to where I was and I said ,'You're back.'

She smiled shyly and Adonis said ,'Baby this is Kiara Dempsey.'

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