C H A P T E R 27

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Lily's POV

Norman texted me and told me that they had just landed. I had flown in this morning and I had been watching TV the whole day waiting for them to get here. I was getting giddy the drive from the airport to my house was about twenty minutes.

Lily's outfit when she is waiting for Adonis

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Lily's outfit when she is waiting for Adonis

I tried sitting on the couch but that was not exciting enough for me. I thought I would sit in the bedroom or something. I looked out the window and I saw the BMW that stays on the island drive into the gates.

On the island it was meant to be clean so there were no cars being used that produced fumed it was go carts then there were like three electric cars on the island.

I squealed in excitement and nervousness and I decided to stay in front of the door then just say surprise.

I went and stood in front of door and the door opened and there Adonis stood with a shocked look on his face. I smiled and in a barely present voice ,'Surprise.'

Adonis was still frozen kind of absorbing what happened. The confusion on his face cleared up and I think he realised what I had done but little did he know that wasn't even the half of it.

He furrowed his brows looking confused and he said ,'Wow, you kind of look like a dream right now. How are you here, I thought you were working.'

I smiled at his statement and felt the heat rushing up to my cheeks. I smiled and said ,'Well I wanted to surprise for your birthday so you just thought I was working.'

Adonis's mother had told me that Adonis had not celebrated his birthday in a special way in a long long time. That's what I wanted for him to just have a special weekend. I had invited all his close friends even the ones he had not seen in a long time and they were a long of those ones.

The two planes were landing in a bit and then at around eight o'clock I was taking Adonis to the surprise party. I tilted my head and said ,'So are we just going to watch each other?'

He grinned and let go of his suitcase and picked me up. I squealed and he twirled me around. He put me down and he gave me  a long kiss which I responded to with equal fervor. He hugged me again and squeezed me and said ,'I can't believe you're here. I can't believe you tricked me.'

I laughed and we pulled apart and he said ,'You're amazing are you aware?'

I laughed and he said ,'No I'm being deadass.'

I gave him a grin and he just looked at me in awe.

I moved out of the way so he could walk in but he decided to walk straight towards me pushing me into the house. I walked backwards and he kept walking towards her. My back hit the wall and he came and trapped me between his hands. We started making out and he carried me.

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