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Lily's POV

After our worldwide honeymoon where I'm not sure there is a continent on this planet we didn't touch. After that we had our amazing wedding reception party that had been planned by Kiara and Kieran. They had somehow managed to have them to open up the Louvre for us to have it there then they had some of my favourite artists sing at the reception.

At the reception I had avoided having serious conversations with anyone but we couldn't run anymore and Adonis and I had lunch with both our parents. Adonis would be here to pick me up from the charity organisations offices at any second so we could go for this lunch. I was quite nervous about how the conversation would go but at the end of the day I don't regret my decision because I love how my wedding went. The only person who we wished had been there was Anne but she had opted to stay behind and handle people who would be looking for us.

Lily's outfit for her day

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Lily's outfit for her day

My office door opened and when I looked up it was Adonis who walked in. I gave him a smile which he returned and I got up from my desk and went round to stand in front of him with my hands on shoulders. He gave me a peck and I smiled looking up at him. He looked completely unbothered and I asked, 'Are you even stressed about this lunch?'

He shrugged and said, 'As long as my wife is happy I don't really care baby.'

I chuckled which he joined and he said, 'How do you feel?'

I hummed and said, 'There are nerves you know how I am but they did push me to take drastic steps.'

He hummed and I picked up my bag and he put my hand on my waist leading me to the car. I turned to Becca my assistant and I said, 'See you after lunch Becca, ' to which she nodded.

We arrived at the restaurant and made our way to the room and it seemed like our parents were already there. We walked into the room and just like at the reception there were tense greetings exchanged. The one on one interactions like the father daughter dance had been tense, there was definitely an elephant in the room. He had given me the sweetest speech and it took a lot for me to hold myself together and not burst into tears on the spot.

We were all seated and there were murmurs people talking about different drink choices and menu choices. Adonis was here for lunch that's what he was focussed on and he didn't seem to care about whatever was about to happen. An attitude I wish I possessed. I couldn't stop wringing my hands in my lap and Adonis simply took my hands in his and gave then a squeeze. If you didn't see this you would have no idea that he was comforting me.

Everyone had ordered and we had our drinks when Mrs Hamilton started, ' Lily, we want to apologise for being pushy and not allowing to plan the wedding you wanted. We should have been respectful that it wasn't our wedding and at the end of the day we deserved what happened as a result. We got a very intense grilling from our son and I realise that we did push you, we are sorry and we are happy that you had the wedding ceremony you wanted.'

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