C H A P T E R 6

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Lily's POV

I woke up and I felt comfortable and looked up and saw Adonis with his head hanging backwards on the couch. Oh my word he must have been so uncomfortable last night so I shook him to wake him up. He pulled me closer to him and got comfortable again clearly falling back into his deep sleep. He looked really cute with his mouth slightly open but he couldn't keep sleeping in this position because his neck would be even more painful than it probably already is.

I pulled myself out of his arms and whispered ,'Adonis, you have to wake up.'

He groaned and I said ,'Come on baby, wake up.'

He woke up and looked at me and gave me a lazy grin and I smiled back. His hair was very messy and his blue eyes were at their brightest. I was straddling him and he sat up and said ,'How'd you sleep?'

I grinned at him and said ,'Comfortable but I'm not sure you can say the same.'

He shrugged and said ,'I was actually comfortable, best sleep I've had in a while. So what do you want to do today?'

I shrugged and said ,'You can choose, we did what I wanted yesterday so you can choose today.'

He thought for a bit then said ,'Breakfast then we can go go karting.'

I smiled and said ,'Okay sounds like a plan. Do you want to shower?'

He nodded and I motioned for him to follow me and led him to the guest bathroom and took out a spare toothbrush and handed it to him.

I looked at him and he said ,'My driver is bringing me a bag of clothes, do you mind bringing the bag to me when he gets here.'

I nodded and I walked out of the guest bedroom and went to sit in the living room. I took my phone out and decided to check on the girls whilst I waited for his driver.

I texted on the girls group chat.

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The doorbell rang and I went and answered it and I saw the driver who drove Adonis and I to the ball. I smiled and said ,'Good morning.'

He smiled back at me and said ,'Morning Miss Hart, I brought a bag for Mr Hamilton.'

He handed me the bag and I said ,'Oh thank you. Uhm I actually didn't get your name.'

He nodded and said ,'I am Francis, Mr. Hamilton's driver and bodyguard.'

I nodded and shook his hand and said ,'It's nice to meet you and please call me Lily.'

He nodded and walked towards the elevator and I closed the door. I walked to the bedroom and knocked and I heard a faint come in. I walked in and Adonis stood there with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I stared at his broad shoulders, his broad and muscular chest and there were drops of water glistening going down his abdomen then disappearing into his towel. He cleared his throat and in an amused voice said ,'Is that my bag?'

I snapped out of it and shyly handed the bag to him and he took it with a teasing grin on his face. I turned and walked out of the bedroom and towards my bedroom so I could take a shower too and my face was in flames. I heard him chuckle as I closed the bathroom door.

I took a shower and walked into my bedroom and into my walk in closet. I sat by my vanity mirror in my walk in closet and did my make up, I went with mascara and lipgloss and put my hair in a low ponytail and had pins to keep the ponytail as neat and tight as possible. For my outfit I went with a casual outfit since we were going go karting which needed for me to be comfortable.

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