C H A P T E R 34

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Lily's POV

Damien said ,'Lily, do you mind if I have a chat with you?'

I was very irritated by Damien's timing, it's almost as if he sensed my joy and appeared. What Adonis had said to me had really made me happy the fact that he was falling as well made me feel very secure in our relationship. Today I felt a shift in our relationship and it was an amazing shift. This was as deep as I'd ever fallen for anyone and I was happy.

I could tell Adonis was angry right now because his jaw was ticking. I squeezed Adonis's hand and I said ,'I do mind so no thank you.'

Damien paused and said ,'Please Lily.'

Adonis turned to me and said ,'Sorry baby.'

He looked at Damien and said ,'What do you want? '

Damien looked shocked and said ,'I want to talk to Lily.'

Without missing a beat Adonis cut in and said ,'And she said no. What's your obsession with my fiancee?'

Damien looked shocked but Adonis wasn't done and he said ,'I stayed out of it because I thought you would stop harassing my girlfriend. The instagram messages and texts need to stop, she should not have to block you or change her number. She doesn't want to talk to or be associated with you. Now that I've spoken and you've been warned if you continue to harass my fiancee you and your girlfriend you're going to have to deal with me as well and I'm not a good person the way she is. Consider this your warning.'

The waiter brought our food and placed it on the table and we started focussing on choosing which of the different wings we wanted to taste from the different flavoured wings platter we ordered.

Adonis looked up and saw Damien watching us and he said ,'Why are you still here?'

Damien was silent and he seemed shook then walked away. Adonis turned to me and said ,'I'm sorry baby that I jumped in.'

I gave him a peck and said ,'Don't apologise baby, I'm tired. Please sort it out.'

I added a pout at the end and he stared at my lip and captured my bottom lip in his teeth. I was turned on and a moan came out of me and he grinned. I winked at me and said ,'Don't worry baby, I got it.'

She smiled and took a bite of the peri peri wing. I started a little dance and I heard Adonis laugh. I looked at him and said ,'Don't tell me these wings are not good because that is a lie.'

He smiled and took a bite as well and I put my hand really high on his upper thigh which made him choke on his wing. I wanted to laugh but kept it in then I said ,'You looked very and I mean very hot when you just handled that.'

He abruptly stood up and let me out and said ,'Go to the private bathroom, I'm coming.'

We were in my family restaurant so we used a private bathroom that is only used by my family members. There is no one else in the world allowed in the bathroom so we will not be disturbed unless my brother or my parents come which will not be happening.

I took a sip of my cocktail and said ,'Why?'

He looked at me with his eyes really darkened and said ,'Babe, I know we play games all the time but if you don't get your ass into the private bathroom or I'm carrying you there.'

I got up and said ,'Okay fine Adonis.'

I walked to the family bathroom swaying my hips more than usual. I smiled at the people I walked past and went into the bathroom. I was looking at my reflection in the mirror fixing my hair when I heard the door open and Adonis stepped in.

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