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Authors POV

Lily's Outfit

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Lily's Outfit

Lily had been in Paris the past week for Fashion Week and she had gotten back early. Her boyfriend Damien hadn't been able to come with her to fashion week because he had football training.

Damien Howard was the quarterback for the Los Angeles Chargers. Damien and Lily had been dating for about a year and a half now and she was happy in their relationship. She met Damien at a club and he had asked for her number and she had resisted, he then messaged her on instagram and somehow convinced her to give him her number and well the rest was history.

Lily jumped into her car and drove to Damien's building. She kept her head down and walked into his penthouse building, she didn't want to be harassed by papparazzi or anyone really. She got into the elevator and she was feeling anxious something was nagging her, she hadn't told Damien she was coming and she was starting to rethink coming to his apartment unannounced.

The elevator doors opened and Lily stepped out and walked down the corridor and stood in front of his door. She stared at the door and something in her did not feel right,she seemed hesitant to open the door or knock. She took a deep breathe and opened the door, she stepped into the living room of his penthouse and saw his clothes on the floor. Lily smiled as she thought to herself how messy Damien was and walked up his stairs to where Damien's bedroom was, she felt that hesitant sensation again and decided to shake it off and keep walking.

Lily reached the door and paused when she heard moans and panting. She waited for a bit as if to make sure what she had heard was correct, and there it was again. Her heart was pounding as she thought about what to do next and how to handle herself if she was correct. After a deep breathe she very slowly opened the door and sure enough there Damien was on his bed on top of another woman, Lily's breathing became even faster as she waited to see if he would feel someone behind him as he betrayed her. As she thought it couldn't get worse,it did, she heard him call one of the last names she would have ever guessed. Damien called one of her best friends name, Damien had just moaned Emily.

All Lily could think as her eyes became cloudy was no way, she had heard wrong or it was a different Emily. She desperately wanted anything else to be the case as she stood in her boyfriends room hearing him moan one of her best friends name. Lily took a deep breath and whispered Damien's name. Damien froze and turned and saw Lily standing by his bedroom door looking crestfallen.

Damien jumped off of the girl and as Lily looked she could see that it was indeed one of her best friends Emily. Lily couldn't take it anymore and began walking away from both of them. She walked down the stairs and went towards his front door prepared to leave and never ever come here again, prepared to never see any of them ever again. Damien was calling out Lily's name running after her with shorts on but Lily was determined to keep walking. She was Lily Rose Hart and her parents had taught her that no one especially no man was to disrespect her because her parent's always insisted that self respect was everything.

Damien caught Lily's arm as she was crossing the threshold to his apartment to go outside. She halted and waited for him to speak because she did not want to cause a scene. Lily had never been one to be dramatic she somehow always managed to keep her cool and she was determined that right now wasn't going to be any different.

Damien sighed and said ,'Lily please, let me explain.'

She kept quiet and he continued saying ,'It was a mistake but it's because you've been so busy lately. '

Lily pulled her arm away and continued on her way to the elevator and she could hear Damian swearing as he walked behind her. She stepped onto the elevator and kept her face stoic as Damien stood by the elevator doors begging her with his eyes and then the doors closed and she took a deep breath trying to steady her breathing.

Lily got into her car and started it up and drove towards her penthouse. She parked her car in the garage and then took the elevator to her penthouse. She got into her apartment, took off her shoes by the door, took her cap off and threw it onto the couch and followed suit as she threw herself onto the couch in her living room.

Lily looked at the ceiling and found herself thinking of all people it could have been with ,it was her best friend. She felt like someone had been plotting how to hurt her and had come up with the idea, it just seemed very unreal to her. Her heart was in pain, she could feel a squeezing in her chest area and she took deep breaths. She could not decide what was hurting her more, the fact that Damien had cheated or the fact that Emily had been the girl.

Everyone had known that Damien and Lily were dating so there was no excuse at all. Her phone hadn't stopped vibrating ever since she left Damien's building. She waited for it to stop and she picked it up and saw missed calls from Damien and not even one from Emily, at this thought a tear slipped out of her eye and her phone started vibrating again. She screamed and threw her phone somewhere in towards her kitchen in frustration, she heard her phone hit something then clatter and much to her frustration it started vibrating again.

Lily had the thickest clear cover on her phone and she wasn't surprised her phone survived the throw. She was quite clumsy with her phone and so she had gotten and very thick cover and a very thick screen guard for her phone to avoid damaging this one and having to buy another one.

Lily laid on her couch staring at her ceiling and her phone vibrated and vibrated till it finally stopped. It got dark and she was still laying in the same position, at some point she had run out of tears and stopped crying. Lily decided it was time to get up and do something that wasn't moping or at least get up from where she was. She had gone through multiple stages, she had been numb, then she was sad and cried and then she got angry and now she was in a state of indifference.

Lily walked to her bedroom and took a very long shower. She always found that after long showers things seemed to seem better but as she stepped out of her long shower she realised not even a shower somwthing that always helped was going to make her feel better about her supposed best friend and what had happened.

Lily put on her pyjamas, plugged her phone in so it could charge and crawled into her huge bed. She got confortable and snuggled with her huge teddybear, Mister Snuggles.

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