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A/N: (13th February, 2022; 3:44 AM)

So, guys! I have been replying to every comment, but now it's getting hard to keep up with the pace; So, If I don't reply it's not intentional! I will always try to reply everyone's comment but not all comments because it's getting so much difficult!

I hope you understand❤❤

*Her baby above*

Vanessa's Pov: *Edited*

“Smack that all on the floor

Smack that give me some more

Smack that 'till you get sore

Smack that oh-oh!

Smack that all on the floor

Smack that give me some more

Smack that 'till you get sore

Smack that oh-oh!”


“You have got to be fucking kidding me” I mutter irritatingly, suddenly awakened by the horrible sound of “smack that” playing loudly through the speaker of my alarm-clock. I’m going to kill Emma. This girl had a weird obsession with changing the sound of my alarm from a peaceful ringtone to loud music. So, I did what I always do, broke the god-damn alarm clock.

Throwing the covers off of me with a huff, I drag myself out of bed to get ready for school and go into my bathroom. I do my normal morning routine and take a quick shower before going back out and choosing my outfit for the day.

I went with a black top tucked in a blue jeans along with a black jacket, and dark blue converse high.

I went with a black top tucked in a blue jeans along with a black jacket, and dark blue converse high

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^I ain't good at description^

I dried and untangled my hair then put them into a high ponytail. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

The minute I reached the last step I was yanked by my hair roughly and pushed down.

I looked up from my semi- crouched position on the floor to find that, just as I thought, Mommy dearest had sent her friends to try and beat me
as she always does. The keyword here being ‘tries’.

I was able to see the kick coming to my face before it could come in contact with it, therefore I grabbed and twisted it at an odd angle making the owner of the leg fall. The crack that was heard led me to believe that I had succeeded in breaking that bitch’s leg.

As quickly as I could, I stood up and met my foot with his horrible face in a satisfying motion. One that would surely leave a hematoma on the disgusting prick.

Before I could leave, I saw two guys coming at me from both sides aiming their fists at me. I ducked rapidly and the two stooges collided face to face, their embrace making a cracking sound resound in the house. From the side of my eyes, I could see the two dumbest people I knew and walked threateningly towards them, having to step on both guys that were laying on the floor to get there.

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