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Lucas's POV:

“Ahh” I squinted my eyes as the rays of sun came from the window.

I don't want to wake up. I'm really comfortable in this really fluffy and comfortable bed.

What? My bed is comfy but not this comfy.

I quickly sat up and looked at my surrounding. I was definitely not in my room. The room was black and greyish colour and the curtains of the window were opened.

 The room was black and greyish colour and the curtains of the window were opened

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What the hell happened, and Where am I?

Let me remind you what happened. We were at the pearl Restaurant. Served Vanessa? The kiss? The Tempest Queen? Killing? Fainting?

You remember now?

Holy cow! I fainted. Where the hell am I? Vanessa stabbed Viktor Smirnov's throat! Oh my god.

The blood spilled all over her face.

I'm having a panic attack.

“Deep breath little dove” I heard the voice say.

“Follow my voice. Inhale, exhale. Again Deep breath. Inhale and exhale.” I followed the voice and took deep breaths.

“Good. You're doing amazing” I heard the voice again and recognized it as Vanessa's.

“Are you fine now?” Vanessa asked and I pulled away a little.

“Where am I? Why am I here? My mother must be stressing” I breathe out.

“Hey Hey, Don't panic! You're safe! You're in one of my penthouse and I informed your mother that you would be staying with me” Vanessa said calmly.

“I'm safe? Are you kidding me? I am terrified. You killed those people without a second thought and I found out that you are the Tempest Queen. You're telling me to calm down? I can't calm down. The girl I had feelings for is the most feared and ruthless killer.” I shouted.

“So, I'm just a killer to you now? Huh?” Vanessa asked getting away from me.

You fudging idiot! What are you doing!

“You killed people! How many innocent lives have you taken? You think just because you have the power you can do everything, but you don't know how many have to suffer” I said disgusted.

“I told you it is your choice if you want to stay or leave after finding about me. I never wanted you to found out like this but don't accuse me of the things I didn't do! I never ruined innocents lives. I helped them. I killed only those who deserved it.” Vanessa said looking into my eyes.

“You kill people. What do you think happens to their family? Do you know how painful it is to lose someone? Who am I kidding! I don't think you even know the pain of losing someone close to you!” I said.


“I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO LOSE SOMEONE, SO DON'T YOU SAY THAT I DON'T!” She shouted making me flinch which she noticed and took a deep breath. “I told you in the beginning that I'm a bad person but no one is born bad. There's always a fucking reason!” She said calmly.

“You don't know how the world is Lucas. Sometimes you're forced to do things that you don't like to but in the end that decision is the best thing to do” Vanessa said looking deeply in my eyes.

Lucas, She is not a bad person! You can't just accuse her like this. She was the only one who ever give a shit about you and besides you don't know what she has to go through.

“Why do you do this?” I asked her. My voice barely above a whisper.

“I don't kill innocents Lucas. Those who I've killed were either Rapist, did human trafficking and other nasty shits. I know what I do. That's why I was about to confess something so that I don't drag your innocent self in my world without you knowing anything” She said.

“You were going to tell me? That means you trust me?” I asked bewildered.

“I couldn't be selfish to take this relationship anywhere with you in the dark. I'm a messed up woman, Little Dove. I've gone through some shit and If I took this relationship without telling you anything. That would be wrong of me and I don't do anyone wrong.” She said coming closer to me.

“But the question is Lucas, Will you stay with this messed up girl after knowing everything?” She whispered. Her lips really close to mine.

“Yes.” I said. I don't know why, but I just trust her more than anything.

“Don't rush it. Think about it carefully because if you say yes just know there will be no going back” She whispered again looking into my eyes.

“Yes. I'll stay with you. I was just really terrified that's why I said all those things. I never meant any of that, but I mean this. I'll stay with you. No matter what you tell me” I whispered.

“You don't know what you do to me Lucas.” She said.

She then leaned and kissed me, first softly and sensually, and I kissed back with the same enthusiasm. I was in the pure bliss. Nothing around matters to me but her lips on mine. She bit my lower lip demanding an access which I denied. I then felt a pinch on my butt making me yelp in shock, but she took the opportunity and entered her tongue in. She was kissing with so much passion and feelings that it made my inside churn and make me blush and happy at the same time.

Our tongues were fighting for the dominance, but she won and explore every part of my mouth.

We both then pulled away as we were out of breath. She leaned her head against my head and looked me in the eyes.

“You are perfect Lucas. I can't believe you are mine” She breath out.

“Believe it because I'm only yours” I whispered back blushing, and she kissed me again before pulling away.

“I would not mind kissing you all day but you my little dove still have to freshen up and have breakfast”


A/N: Here is another chapter for you guys❤ Enjoy Lovelies! You all are best❤❤

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