Bonus Chapter~4 (Part~I)

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^^ Trailer of my other book above by amora_babes with the special help of Mubashirah15 Love you guys! thanks for it🧡🧡...


Vanessa's POV (Surprise Shawtyy!) (2 months after Lucas kidnapping)

“I'm home!” I yelled as I walk in the living room where everyone looked relieved to finally see me after two days.

“Thanks the fucking you! I was so worried! Where the hell were you?” Nicolo inquired making me roll me eyes at him.

“Well, since Dante's ass is fine, but his stupidity is on another level, someone had to take care of things.” I stated shrugging my shoulder.

“What do you mean, Queen?” Old man asked making me scowl as I was still standing and not even settled down on the couch.

“Let me settle down, will you? Damien, bring me the fucking water.” I groaned rolling up the sleeves of my shirt and unbuttoning the upper two buttons while settling down.

“Here is your water that you oh so politely requested” Damien sarcastically let out earning an unimpressed stare from me.

“What do you mean requested? I order people around not request.” I deadpanned.

“Geez! I just expected a small “Thank You”! But I guess I shouldn't have.” Damien pouted like a child earning another warning look from me that screamed that I wasn't in any mood to keep up with his ass.

“Babe? Why don't you stop annoying her? I can't stand to see my sister stabbing my boyfriend.” Angelo said pulling Damien down on his lap roughly.

“If you want to sit for weeks, you better stop pulling me.” Damien said making me throw my blazer at him.

“Okay Grandma! Sorry.” Damien claimed making Emma scowl at him too.

“Your clowning self can wait! Now, let's hear Vanessa, okay?” Emma snapped irritatedly at the clownish behaviour of Damien.

“All of you, I am going to call Dante. I don't want to hear anything.” I threatened everyone with an icy look.

I pulled out my mobile and dialled his number. The ringing can be heard before he finally answered.

“Dante?” I boomed as soon as he accepts my call.

“Yes?” He asked making me annoyed.

“Why the fuck are you ignoring my calls? I have been fucking calling you since yester-fucking-day!” I hissed at him earning a nervous chuckle from him.

“You threatened me to face my problems like a man, and that's what I wad doing. Fixing my mess.” He answered, and I can hear the slight hope in his voice to escape from an earful lecture from me which suggested that he was with Charlotte right now.

“Yeah! But I didn't fucking say to not pick my damn calls up!” I calmly said, but I know he can detect the anger behind my voice.

“I'm sorry.” He cheekily apologized from the other line making me scowl.

“When are you coming back?” I muttered, but all the stupid idiots starts to talk loudly.

“No! Armano you fucking idiot” Emma screamed running after Armano when he rushed away after doing that shin chan shit in Emma's ear.

“Dude! Emma's ear is fill with Armano's saliva now!” Nicolo snorted out loudly making everyone laugh loudly while Emma shrieked in anger.

“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU FUCKING SPIT IN MY EAR!” Emma yelled loudly making me groan loudly.

“Vanessa? Where are you? ” Dante asked worriedly. All this screaming must have worried him even though he has nothing much to worry about.

“I AM SORRY!” Armano screamed as he yells whilst running.

“Wait!” I said and then snarl darkly at the moron's that I call family. “I will rip your tongue out if I hear another scream reaching my ears.”

“Oops.” Lorenzo snorted softly receiving a vicious stare from me.

Every one of them went silent after hearing me snap at them.

“So, I was saying come back home. I have a surprise for you” I spoke with a bit of weird excitement that I tried to hide.

“I will b-.” He was saying something, but I hung up on him without even listening.

“What surprise?” Dad asked curiously earning a dark stare from me.

“I captured the bastard who caused Dante's accident.” I answered and that was enough for them to be completely attentive.

Almost two weeks ago, Dante got in a car crash while chasing Charlotte who on their first date find out that Dante was the guy who broke up with her and rushed out.

Dante hit his head but wasn't injured badly since he was only out of his consciousness for two days.

The accident was intentional and caused by an abusive psycho with whom Charlotte went out when her memory was lost.

He kidnapped Charlotte and with another few revelations that I did, we finally went to rescue her, but before we can, she jumped out of the window trying to kill herself.

While Dante was with Charlotte, I was busy trying to catch the bastard who caused everything. Because he messed with me when he went after my brother.

“That's amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on the bastard that try to kill my son.” Dad said with a sinister edge to his voice.

“Calm your old self down! Who said you will be getting your hands on him? I already made him suffer. Now it's Dante who will be taking revenge or maybe Charlotte too, since after what that dirty pig did.” I explained grimly after thinking what that Austin bastard did.

“Where's Dante? He was busy drowning in his work, and then he vanished.” Lorenzo questioned, but I didn't forget about the missing person who was busy alone in the garage.

“Charlotte's memory finally returned, and she wanted answers which that stupid self of Dante refused to give. She declared that she don't want to meet him unless he decides to tell her the truth. That's why he was busy drowning his ass in the work. I called, threatening him to face his shit like a man before I stab him in the shoulder.” I explained but groaned as realized I've talked too much today.

“You sure as hell have too much control over us.” Dad said making me nod.

“I have called Ryder today. If he comes, send him straight to me.” I said and went upstairs which gave them the cue to shout again.

‘My family really needs to be admitted in a mental asylum’ I thought as I head to my room.

A/N: So guys! here is the surprise bonus chapte. So, Enjoy. Love ya❤❤

How are y'all been? I've missed y'all!

Ps. how was the trailer?

and there's another part coming which includes a big revelation, a lil cuteness b/w Lucas and Vanessa and a bit spice😉😉😉..who's excited?

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