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Lucas POV:

I groaned as I felt pain in my back and neck. I slowly opened my eyes and slowly checked my surrounding.

It was a completely dark room with only one bulb which wasn't doing anything.

I tried to move my hand only to feel my wrists burning.

I looked down to see them tied down to the chair tightly along with my legs.

What the heck? Where in the name of cow am I?

Do not scream if someone is here or not. Don't be the stupid person to let the kidnappers know that you are awake!

I am not stupid like most characters in movies or novels.

Whatever makes you happy!

Pretend to be asleep! Someone is coming.

I immediately acted like I was still unconscious as soon as I heard the footsteps approaching and opening a door.

“You should tell them that you have a weakness of the Tempest Queen.” an Unknown voice spoke.

“We have to make sure if he really is her weakness. Then we will inform them.” Another voice spoke.

“I am pretty sure he means something to her. He is wearing a pendant which symbolizes her” the first voice said again.

“We know you are awake kid. Don't pretend to be unconscious.” The second voice said.

Do not react! What if they are trying to trick you?

“Maybe he is still unconscious.” The voice said.

“But the drug wasn't strong. He is acting.” The voice hissed again.

“Either you open your eyes or I'll make you.” The guy threatened.

I guess it's time to drop our act!

I opened my eyes and look at the two really strong guys standing in front of me.

One of the guy gave me a pitiful smile while the other smirked at me.

“Why am I here?” I asked horrified.

“Where did you get the pendant?” The guy asked.

“What pendant?” I asked even though I have a pretty idea what he is talking about.

“Do not play dumb with me! Where the fuck did you get the pendant?” He growled holding my jaw tightly making me hiss in pain.

“Did I hurt you pretty boy?” He mockingly says.

“I don't know.” I said as I closed my eyes in pain.

“What do you mean you don't know?” He growled and tighten his already taut grip on my face making me hiss again.

“I found in on the road and took it.” I lied and cried out as I felt him punch my jaw before grabbing it tightly and make me look at him.

“DO NOT LIE TO ME” He spat as I hissed due to his nails digging in my skin.

“It hurts please let go.” I cried out.

“Does it?” He mocked me.

“Dude! He looks so innocent. Don't hurt him.” The guy who gave me a pitiful smile said hesitantly.

“Do not speak unless I ask you something.” The guy said before leaving my face.

“So, how about you tell me now? From where did you get the necklace?” He asked again, and I sighed before answering “My girlfriend gave it to me as a gift”.

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