bonus? yes!!

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Okay, so after completing this book...I had thought of making a sequel...but I didn't.

I had written a chapter and since it's just ageing as the days goes by, I'll be just updating it here. Also, if there are grammatical errors and corny shit, just know I had written it like a long time ago...more than a year at least...

See, I'm not lying 😂😂😂

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See, I'm not lying 😂😂😂

Anyways, here we go!!

Vanessa's POV:

“I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”


“Babe! Talk to me” Lucas tried to talk to me, but I ignored him because I know if I say something it will turn into a full-blown argument.

“Dang it Vanessa!” He frustratedly said earning a cold glare from me.

“Lucas, leave me the fuck alone right now.” I said without even glancing at him as I walked in our room.

“Not until you talk to me” He speaks up after grabbing my hand.

“Do not touch me” I said retreating my hand away from his grip and immediately regretted it as hurt flashes through his eyes.

“What did I do?” Lucas whimpered, his voice cracking as he speaks making my heart clench in pain.

“I'm sorry little dove! I just got so jealous and angry seeing that air hostess flirting with you and you talking back to her just made me so fucking angry.” I said leaning my head against his.

“You were angry because of that? She was not flirting with me. She was just talking” He stated with a frown only to get a chuckle from me.

“God! You are so innocent. She was flirting with you, and you didn't even know. Only you Lucas, only you” I said pecking his lips.

“I can't believe our honeymoon is over” Lucas whispers and I nodded at him before speaking “Yeah. But we still once in a while can have our honeymoon. It doesn't matter if we already had one.” I said making his eyes twinkle with happiness and adoration.

“You are the most amazing woman in this world, and you are mine.” He breathes out making me grin.

“And you are my sun because my world revolves around you.” I said staring in his blue eyes.

“That was corny but amazing” He babbled, and I grinned widely.

“What do expect? I am not romantic.” I said walking towards the bathroom.

“Your actions begs to differ.” He

“You mean to say?” I asked with a raised eyebrow knowing very well what he means.

“You always kiss my forehead before sleeping. You pull me close when I am even a little far away while sleeping. Smacking my poor butt whenever you walk past me and always make sure if I'm well, have eaten or anything. You always put me first and your teasing. You keep kissing my cheeks, forehead and lips whenever you see me and that makes you the most romantic woman!” He said with a dreamy smile. He is getting observant.

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