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Vanessa's Pov

"Please save her. Doctor please!" I begged crying.

"We are doing everything miss. We'll try our best." Doctor said.

I lost one already, I can't lose her too.
No I can't.

"Everything will be alright. Be strong honey" Bella sobbed.

"We are here for you darling, she's a survivor! She will fight" Olivia consoled me.

"What if she dies? I can't afford to lose her! I can't live without her." I cried sobbing more.

The doctor and nurse ran into the ICU.
Everything was going in slow motion.

"We are losing her"

"Heartbeat is slowing down"

"No No! We can't lose her".

"We lost her"

The doctor came out of the ICU with a pity look and said the words I dreaded the most "I'm sorry Miss Rossi. We tried our best. Sorry for your loss".

I woke up startled with tears on my face. My breathing was heavy. I went to the bathroom. I turned in the shower and fell on my knees.

I was crying. I was sobbing so hard that if I was in my room, someone would've come barging in.

I cried at my lost. I cried for losing her. The God snatched the only good thing from me. The only thing that mattered to me in my messed up life.

The water now was freezing cold, but I couldn't move. I break down. She was the only one who could bring a smile to my face. The light in my darkness.

I punched the wall again and again as the frustration and anger only grew more.

I tried to punch the wall again, but my hand was held by someone.

Next thing I know the shower was turned off, and I was picked up the bridal style.

"Everything will be okay, Little one. I'm here now" Matthew spoke as I sobbed into his chest.

"Why? Am I that bad of a person that God can't see me happy? What did I do Matthew? Tell me? Why did she have to die?" I cried.

"It wasn't your fault. You are the most amazing person, and you deserve infinite happiness." Matthew said sweet nothing in my ear as Emma and Damien hugged me. They knew I would get a nightmare. Emma was sobbing while embracing me so tightly.

"Don't blame yourself Van. It was the world that was jealous." Damien stated. His voice also breaking.

Bella then brought me a new pair of pjs. I changed into them and went back to bed where Damien and Emma were waiting. We three snuggled into each other and I fell sleep without any nightmare.

"Look at them. They are so cute" Someone cooed.

"Let's click a picture" another voice spoke

"Why is HE sleeping with our sister?" Someone grumpily questioned.

"Shut up all of you! You'll wake them up" Matthew hissed at them.

The voices were of my brothers.

"You all are a little late for that. We are already up" I said as I tried to sit up.
Keyword here: Tried.

Damien and Emma were clinging to me as their life depends on it.

I glared at them and they released me. I looked up to see Matthew giving me an apologetic smile.

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