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Vanessa's Pov

The moment I stepped out of the car all eyes were on me.

My brothers were both side of me.

Boys were giving me lustful stare meanwhile girls were glaring dagger at me which honestly make them look like constipated fool.

"We forget to mention that we are famous here" Armano proudly stated.

"I can see that." I answered.

"VANNNNNNN" We heard two voices shouting, and I was tackle in a hug by my two babies.

You guessed it right. Emma and Damien.

"WE MISSED YOU" Both of them shouted.

"Stop shouting in my ear, puttane stupide" I scowled at them, and they just grinned at me. (translation: Dumbass bitches)

"Sorry, but we are stealing her from here. Babye" Emma said to my brothers.

"No. We are also coming with her to the receptionist, and we'll drop her to her first class" Armano retorted making Emma scowl.

Kids these days.

"Are we going to stand here all day and watch you glare at each other or we're going to move?" I scowled at them and Angelo nodded in agreement.

"Geez, aren't you my cranky doodles " Emma muttered making Armano and Damien giggle.

"Emma, I can hear you." I said glaring at her.

"Oops?" She smiled.

We all headed to the reception to collect our timetable and locker number.

"Excuse me" Damien said making the receptionist to look up.

"Yes? How can I help you?" She said politely.

"We want their schedule" Angelo said rudely making the receptionist pale.

"Hey! Stop being rude" Damien hissed at Angelo.

"What are your names?" Receptionist whose name tag says Anna asked politely.

"Vanessa Denaro Rossi, Damien Stryker, Emma Pierson." I said blankly but politely.

She gave me a smile and start working on the computer.

"Here Miss. Rossi, These are your and your friends schedule along with your locker number and codes." She politely passed us the papers and smiled.

Emma thanked her, and we all headed to our lockers.

My locker was between Damien and Emma.

"What's your schedule?"

"I've chemistry first then Biology, history, calculus, free period then English language and break. Then I have Italian and Psychology." I answered.

" I've got the same schedule as last school meaning that I've History, Italian and psychology with you." Emma said.

"I've got all classes with you except calculus and Chemistry." Damien spoke.

" Then what are you here for? Scram" I shoed them.

"Finally!" Angelo muttered making Armano snicker.

"We will drop you to your first class. OK?" Armano exclaimed.

"Yeah whatever!" I murmured.

We headed to my first class, and they wished me luck before leaving.

I entered the class without knocking making everyone look at me.

Boys were checking me out and girls were glaring at me whereas the teacher was glaring at me making me glare back.

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